Why is every smartphone, automobile, and tablet assistant a woman by default? Siri and alexa are being used more and more, and more and more cars have GPS navigation systems and assistants to help with hands free driving. It used to be you could get these things with names like Tom Tom, and you could put celebrity voices on them which were male. Now that is getting harder to do. Even when it was easier to do the default was a woman's voice. This seems to me to be a devious attempt by male technicians to place a female to blame for all the aggravation these new devices are causing people, especially the elderly. Why is it always a woman? My GPS is bossy and it is always some bitchy woman's voice telling me how to drive. Alexa and siri are both smart asses who mock you with the wrong answers while they don't work. This is going to cause unwarranted hate towards females because these things are associated with a gender when they have no gender. You know this is all because of latent resentment by the male computer tech who cannot get a date with the pretty girls, or to get his mom to stop dressing him like a dork, so they make these things women who are going to be bossy irritants in your life. It is sexist and I am tired of it. Why can't I have a trump mess up everything I ask him? It would seem a little more appropriate than some fictional lady I have to shout at all the time. At least call it rover or spot like the useless dog that doesn't follow commands. You could call it fluffy or Garfield for all the use it has. But no we are going to name them and voice them by women. Talk about your latent misogynist anger issues. Someone over in the tech industry wasn't hugged enough by their mom.
It's the marketplace. That, and you can configure most of these to me male voices instead. For example, siri can be configured with a male voice.