Are younger people being led into confusion? Is this going to be a good thing for them? Are all these young people going to be happy with their choice, later on in life? Is this just a new fad in the society, amongst the younger generation? Are we going to see these numbers just continue to rise higher and higher? 1.4 percent of 13- to 17-year-olds and 1.3 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds were transgender, compared with about 0.5 percent of all adults. Seems like what used to be a rare thing has now become incredibly common. I can tell you that in some cities, the numbers are even higher than that. In the city I'm in, I'd estimate 3%, maybe even 3.5%, of the younger people appear to be transgender.
Remember - not all parents are good parents. I'm glad that as a boy child in my early formative years my parents didn't try to turn me into a little girl. I don't think it would've worked out well.
According to one survey that was done, among the young transgender people (83% of whom were designated female at birth) more than one-third had friendship groups in which 50% or more of the youths began to identify as transgender in a similar time frame. This was more than 70 times the expected prevalence of transgender identity in young adults. Litta Litman, of Brown University hypothesizes that "social contagion" may be a key driver. New paper ignites storm over whether teens experience ‘rapid onset' of transgender identity | Science | AAAS Because of her paper there was a huge backlash against her. The Transgender Craze is Creating Thousands of Young Victims "A generation of girls is at risk. Abigail Shrier's book will help you understand what the trans craze is" Irreversible Damage - The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters