The hypocrisy of some of these politicians that tell everyone else they have to make sacrifices. This woman served as the chairwoman leading The Green Party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) in the German Parliament, starting in 2008. Michael Sauerbier of the Berliner Zeitung (BZ) reports on how last March “Brandenburg’s Minister of Health Ursula Nonnemacher (age 63) touted “the government’s first all-electric official car”… “a new e-Audi” but in reality she “secretly used her state secretary’s gasoline-powered car – out of range anxiety!” For Ms. Nonnemann, getting stranded by losing battery charge is all part of the sacrifices the regular peasants will surely have to make in order to put the global climate and society back in order. But because her work is so important, that duty doesn’t apply to her. According to the BZ, her spokesman even audaciously claimed that the driving with a gasoline car was “necessary in the interest of the country.” The BZ reports how Nonnemacher’s Audi e-tron can travel 350 kilometers fully charged, and that it’s enough for the trip from Potsdam to her home in Falkensee and back to the Brandenburg state capital, though maybe having to cut it close and having to recharge once. Brandenburg’s communist Left Party now wants access to Nonnemacher’s driving logs and those of her state secretaries. Nonnemacher’s spokesman claims the clandestine gasoline tour was “necessary in the interest of the country.” What’s strange about it is that the route was well within electric range – and there are in fact two charging stations in her home town of Ravensbrück. So this high-powered career politician worried her electric car might run out of power and that might inconvenience her.