Hypocrisy of politicians (both sides of the aisle) regarding Ukraine

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Bridget, Oct 10, 2022.

  1. Bridget

    Bridget Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2017
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    Isn't it starting to feel a bit hypocritical to hear our politicians, Democrats and Republicans, say "there is nothing we wouldn't do for Ukraine," and "we should give Zelenskyy whatever he needs", BUT..no boots on the ground....Well, why not?? I mean, I know this is a political year and all, but still...

    But first, shouldn't they tell the public a few dirty little secrets? Like:

    If we go to war with Russia, the draft will have to be reinstated. Enlistment is down because they've purged the patriots (vaccine, Trump supporters, supposed white supremacists, etc. etc.) and the young liberal men just don't seem to be enlisting (surprise, surprise).

    We'll have to draft girls too. So don't think for a minute that if you only have daughters, they won't have to go to war.

    The current ages for selective service is 18-25, but in WWII, it was 18-35. So keep in mind, that your children over 30 may very well be drafted.

    College deferments won't be a thing (unless you are very rich; the Obama girls won't have to go).

    So, which is it? There's nothing we won't do for Ukraine? Or maybe we push for de-escalation?

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