Okay, but if he wins, then no doing this: Actually, on second thought, do that. Do my bidding, and entertain me.
yes. It used to be like a horrible repetitive melody we could not get out, but now it sounds more like the same victory march we all heard in 2018, 2020. Now it sounds like our own victory march, long may he tweet!
Um, he's not on Twitter. I mean, his ban was lifted, but he's not actually tweeting. The last Tweet he made was on January 8th, 2021, before which Twitter, under their supper corrupt administration, decided to censor a sitting president.
Gotta love how MAGA pretend to distance themselves from Trump - yet defend him to the teeth and would vote for him again in a heartbeat.
I can defend Trump and not vote for him. I'm planning on voting for Desantis in the primaries, but if Trump wins the primaries, I'm not going to vote for President Craps His Pants; I'll vote Trump.
Perhaps it's really Melania that you desire? She seems to have stuck by him, to the surprise of many.
She's certainly more attractive than the old hag currently in the White House: You know, the old hag who only got a doctorate for reasons of pure vanity: she wanted to be called Dr. Biden, not Mrs. Biden: Joe Biden, on the campaign trail, explained that his wife’s desire for the highest degree was in response to what she perceived as her second-class status on their mail. "She said, ‘I was so sick of the mail coming to Sen. and Mrs. Biden. I wanted to get mail addressed to Dr. and Sen. Biden.' That’s the real reason she got her doctorate," he said.
i'm sure that dr biden would never be hired by the trump escort service nor be paid as a lesbian porn model, but those days are past ms trump as well. moderators : this photo from the ny post has been edited to remove distasteful nsfw images.
That’s is pretty much what I’ve been saying all along. Trump is the biggest asset the Democrats have going for them. Independents really dislike Trump; they usually give him around a 60% unfavorable rating. History has shown folks usually don’t vote for someone they dislike. In 2018 thanks to Trump, the Republicans lost the house with independents voting 54-42 against Republican congressional candidates. In 2020 they lost the presidency when independents voted 54-41 for Biden and lost the senate. 2022, Trump caused what should have been a red wave into a red trickle. Perhaps it was a blue trickle, after all the Democrats gained a senate seat and 2 governorships while limiting their house loses to 9 seats. The historical average for a president hovering around 40% overall job approval is 48.5 house seats lost, 6 senate seats lost, 4.25 governorships lost. I’d say thanks to Trump with independents once again voting for Democrats, 2022 was a Democratic victory. Most of Trump’s chosen candidates also lost in 2022. Tshibaka, Oz, Mastriano, Lake, Masters, Bolduc, Cox, Diehl, Walker, Laxalt and more. Independents not only won’t vote for Trump, they won’t vote for his chosen candidates. The GOP needs to remember they’re still the smaller of the two major parties, hence they must win the independent vote or lose the election. They’ll never win independents with Trump or his chosen candidates.
Oh, I don't think you can play that card when you support an administration that hires people like Sam Briton: To borrow a joke from Matt Walsh, I guess this is what Biden was referring to when he was talking about the dog-faced pony soldiers. If only we had listened.
I don't think he's ever had what it takes but I don't think the alt.right were ever this powerful in the USA except maybe in 1941 when the Bund was still around and I never heard of them taking over a major Party. Besides He's NEVER yet won the Presidency in any thing even remotely like a way that makes sense.
Since Don's affiliation is to himself, not a political party or an ideology, it's entirely possible he will form a third party. Meaning he couldn't care less about the fate of the POT if he isn't in charge of it. But I think it depends on how slighted he feels by the eventual Repub nominee. If the primary campaign gets nasty between he and RonDon, and miniTrump wins, I can't see how the Orange Menace doesn't try to take him down. Trump lives for grievance and spite. The wildcard being how the various court cases Don is involved in go. He may feel the need to become completely immersed in his.....well.........his defenses. Because above all else he wants to avoid spending time in prison.
I fear your analysis is essentially correct, Arkanis. And nobody is more relieved to think you may be accurate than our opponents in China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, et al.... . "Just stick to the plan -- Trump won't be a factor anymore!"
MAGA live in a parallel reality. Biden is weakening Russia militarily and economically for the next 25 years using only 5% of the US defense budget. If Trump had been re-elected, Putin would have marched in the streets of Kiev last winter.
Isn't it amazing, then, according to your viewpoint, that none (NONE) of our opponents did anything to harm or seriously threaten the U. S. or our allies while Trump was president? When did Putin seize Crimea? Was it in 2014, when "Messiah" Obama was president? When did Putin invade the rest of Ukraine? Is it now, while Geriatric Joe Biden is president ("Obama 2.0")...? Be consistent, Arkanis!!
W. Bush was in power when Putin invaded Chechnya .... and Georgia. You didn't know that? This proves that Putin doesn't give a damn about who is in power in the US when he launches his army. And Trump has failed to stop North Korea from developing nuclear missiles. In fact, Kim conducted several test launches AFTER the Singapore summit and AFTER Trump wrote this on Twitter:
Why the evasion? Neither of us was discussing "W" Bush at all! But then you accuse Trump of failing to make NK stop developing nuclear missiles... right? Well... did Obama? Has Biden? Look... Obama and Trump are out of the picture now, and Biden's a demented halfwit. Putin and Xi Jinping are still where they were before, just waiting for Geriatric Joe to fugg something ELSE up! They probably won't have to wait very long....