Quotes from the world of Poker: "If, after the first twenty minutes, you don't know who the sucker at the table is, it's you." "Dear Lord, help me to break even. I need the money." These quotes sum up the average American pretty completely. You don't know who the sucker is even after Thirty years of Reagan reforms. You are still waiting for all that wealth to trickle down, something that economists have both proved and demonstrated isn't, can't and won't happen. You still believe that if you work hard and diligently, the American dream is yours for the taking. It isn't, it's a convenient mirage. A sucker trap. You are still thinking you are winning by breaking even. You think that universal health care is impossible. You think welfare and unemployment benefits are being abused by "welfare queens". You think liberals are ruining the country, but of course with your very limited education you don't know any better because you don't have the research skills to find out otherwise do you? America is going to default on its sovereign debt very shortly. Meanwhile, your political commentators are busy saying "why look over there at those crazy socialist Europeans and their financial troubles!"......and you immediately follow their gaze. Then there are the local villains to be paraded in front of you: "welfare Queens" buying steak with food stamps, "Lazy people who don't want to work", Gays, abortionists, godless socialists, liberals, pointy headed academics who don't know nuthin'. The list is endless.. And of course their are "the others" - blacks, Hispanics and the dreaded "illegal immigrants". Of course we then look overseas: Muslims, "islamofascists", "jihadists", "European weeny socialists", "cheese eating surrender monkeys", "Palestinians", "The Taliban" and of course Mordor itself: Iran. We are setting up some more demons as we speak : Yemenis, Somalians. We have made an industry out of endless war. Its very profitable. To my shame in Australia, we are building an industry as well: look at this university course: http://www.open.edu.au/public/courses-and-units/arts/course-mur_stc_deg-2011 Do you not understand that once this (*)(*)(*)(*) gets taught, there is no chance of any of the practitioners ever destroying their livelihood by running out of demons? Do you understand that you are being lead to serfdom? A fearful, ignorant, poverty stricken existence where you live at the whim of your masters?
I'm sure Australia has its problems. Why don't you focus on your own country instead of offering unwanted opinions about our country.
He does have a point; people care more about terrorism and other very minor threats than they do about the power of their own wallet. The government is spending, and continuing to spend, with no sign of stopping, yet we continue to elect the same bought and sold idiots into office who show no sign of cutting spending and raising taxes like we need to do. Luckily most people are idiots, and most people don't think about politics beyond what party they subscribe to, so we're going to go straight to hell. One day the government won't be able to borrow more money and the welfare checks won't get paid and there will be riots as people are thrown into the streets without food. Old people won't get their social security and start dying. The military won't be paid and won't know when it will be paid. State and local governments won't get their federal aid and will have to cut back as well. Things will not be good if continue down this path. But hey, who cares! All that matters is that the guy in charge has a D or a R beside their name, just depends on which horse you want to ride to oblivion. Of course everything I've said also depends on there not being some fascist crackdown which, especially if there's an R beside the name of the person in office, could very well happen. Nothing more patriotic than a dumb hick with a gun 'defending America' when the republican president calls for him to perform his duty to protect the people from those dirty hippies who are saying bad things about the country. I'm sure many a patriotic heart swelled when Janet Napolitano told the fine people of Walmart to start spying on each other. Never know when a terrorist is going to walk into Walmart to buy some whatever terrorists buy at Walmart, milk or something.
We`ve got so many problems here that we need a diversion to take our minds off them. We`ve got a Prime Minister who`s sillier than a wet dream, and ugly enough to scare a steam train up a dirt track. We`ve got a treasurer who can`t handle his lunch money, and the rest of this cast of clowns haven`t got the good common sense that god gave a cane beetle. Trying to get any sense out of them is like trying to pound custard into a rock.
Blackrrok: Because you are dragging us all down the toilet with you. Whats worse you have no understanding about what you are doing to yourselves let alone the rest of the world.
No... I THANK those with a more OBJECTIVE opinion of this nation (America), to reflect upon things about this nation. Some think we should 'pretend' to know all we need to know, when in reality we CAN surely learn from other nations/people. That is one of the most interesting things about the internet period.