I've seen it reported from enough varying sources that I'm inclined to accept it: if Brandon doesn't run, Kamala is the only one who can use any part of the roughly quarter-billion dollars in the Biden-Harris campaign war chest. In all likelihood, the Dems just can't afford to run anyone other than Kamalagobbledygook at the top of the ticket, if Brandon is put out to pasture. If that happens, I'd guess they pair her with another vagina, so they can double down on their identity politics jive. I can't pick half these people out of a lineup; they're just names I've seen spewed in the media as legitimate options.
I think that the Democrats would nominate a straight White guy. I can't see Buttigieg. He's failed as the Transportation Secretary, and yea, he's gay with a husband. I don't think that a lot of the country is ready for that.
Particularly black Americans, who are among the least LBGTFU voting bloc, and one of the Dems' most important constituencies, whom they can't afford to alienate. No way they put Rear Admiral Pete on the ticket.
I couldn't vote in the poll -- not yet! At this point, though, it's probably safe to say that a person with the intelligence and experience of Amy Klobuchar would find it difficult to be in the same room with Kamala Harris and not break out in spontaneous laughter....
If the Democrats dump Biden they will be making the biggest mistake in this country's history. No, Kamala Harris will not defeat convicted felon Trump.
Harris is the fresh new blood, You need to balance the ticket, get someone with some grativas, who has spent some time learning how to use the levers in Washington,
"New Blood" does not win elections. This is a mistake. The Democratic Party will be solely to blame for their defeat.
I actually agree with you here but I don't think joebotomy can beat him after that face plant during the debate and his comatose performance tonight
Joe already beat him and has the coalition to do so again. Unfortunately, the wealthy Democratic party elites seem to have other plans. It seems personal.
Buttigieg has been a tremendous Transportation Secretary. That said, I don’t think America is ready for a gay VP.
After Trump failed in his promise for an infrastructure bill, the US was way behind the 8-ball. Pete met extreme challenges, met them head-on, and has provided an unsurpassed energy to the challenges. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/pete-buttigieg-transportation-secretary-timeline-183551314.html Challenge #1: Air travel in wake of the pandemic Challenge #2: 'We don't want to waste money' Challenge #3: Supply chain woes Challenge #4: A near-strike and train derailments in Ohio Challenge #5: Building bridges
Well, at sunrise this morning, Biden was still the 'presumptive' nominee, but that may not be true by sunset. Look, it has become clear that with all the big-wig Democrats, including "Messiah" Obama, toiling away at getting him out of the race, Biden (his wife, and other loyalists) are down to simply negotiating "terms and conditions". What does Biden want? Pure speculation at this point, but he probably wants to be able to remain in office until noon on January 20, 2025 (Inauguration Day), when some other Democrat will be taking the Oath of Office. What?! Does that mean that Trump isn't going to win? YOU BET YOUR SWEET ASS IT DOES... and I've been saying that for a long time, too.... The 'Crats are going to win, but they still have to negotiate with Biden, AND, they have to figure out what the hell to do with Kamala-la-la. She's got 'ovaries', and she's successfully (and quite usefully) passed herself off as "Black", but she's almost universally despised by both 'Pubs and 'Crats... in spite of her evident 'political correctness'.
I guess, per your opinion,”Pubs and Crats” don’t like Kamala Harris. This Independent think she’s a crafty, intelligent woman who will do just fine. She has her 4 years of VP experience, plus the Biden cabinet is very strong, and they’ll have her back.
I guess the kindest thing I can say about your post is that I disagree almost entirely. Kamala-la-la's "4 years of VP experience" hasn't really involved her accomplishing anything or attempting to do anything worth mentioning. And the "Biden cabinet"? Blinky? Buttygig? Mayorkas? Janet Yellen? And the clot of "DEI" hires? The only ones besides dyed-in-the-wool 'Crat loyalists who are happy we have that gaggle of clowns in the highest levels of our government are these two -- ."Did you ever see the movie, 'Dumb and Dumber'...?"
Not smart if they do that. You do. not paint a progressive with a liberal and both from California. OH MY