Do you really think the media's ignoring of, marginalization of, disdain for, snickering at and the recent smearfest hasn't had some impact on public perception of RP? And yet somehow he's doing well.....
I absolutely do because because since the Obama campaign the masses have wanted real change in Washington D.C. For the last three years they've been wanting real change in Washington D.C. Ron Paul started the Tea Party movement and this movement went on to landslide victories in the 2010 elections on a political platform that Ron Paul has been advocating for decades. Now they have a candidate to make all their political dreams come true and where are they? Some are supporting Newt and some are supporting Romney who are the absolute anti thesis to everything they've been fighting for. Ron Paul will cripple progressive gains made in Washington D.C. He will set back the drive to create an authoritarian government back thirty years. He'll defend our borders, not with double talk, but with boots on the ground. He'll drive a stake through much of Washington's corruption. He'll seriously wound the ability of special interests to rule over America. These are all things the masses have been screaming for and where now is his support? It's there but nowhere near the level that it should be were voters more informed. The media is manipulating people. It will work on some but not on others. If there was no media and these same people crying out for change could only receive their political information straight from the horses mouth Ron Paul would be leading every political poll by a complete landslide.
ron paul isn't the first evil/crooked politician to have done well, despite warnings you're wrong, i despised ron paul over 30 years ago
that's for sure let's say i have little respect for gullibility and ignorance [ame=""][/ame]