The media keeps telling us the economy is so wonderful. Yet we are also told that women need abortion. Question: If there started to be a big trend of women dumping their babies over bridges, and smothering them with pillows while they were in the crib, if that started to become commonplace, and women were that desperate, would people still say the economy was "wonderful"? So which is it? It seems to me you can't have it both ways. Is the economy that awful that women are this desperate; or is it perhaps that most of these women who get abortions don't really need them as much as some would like people to think. (and we're of course talking about elective abortions, not those for special circumstances)
You have no homeless in America? No women trapped in abusive marriages? You have maternity leave? You have sick leave?
You still haven't managed to accept that women are dying because of serious healthcare issues when we DEMAMD they get no healthcare.