Hey ,if marriage and divorce equality is established will the LGBTIQC be satisfied then and stop annoying everyone ,or is there something else that is concidered unequality???? Is this the end of the struggle fro whatever oh sorry ,Gay and lesbian rights ,translated ,Happy and inhabitants of the Greek Island of lesbos rights. peronally I recognise the Homosexual community of real humans having democratic rights not the lesser Gay and lesbian Rights ,what are the demands Politically of the LGBTIQC Rights movement can we have a list please other then marriage and divorce rights??? and 'special people 'rights.
Whats the matter LGBTIQites,cat got your tounge run away ,scared run away,makes me laugh how supposedly inelligent people can be so led by a 'political movement 'so non existant.I think we should call it the 'Attack on word meaning movement'the don't say anything that makes sense when questioned movement ,or the no one actually will defend it movement. They always go silent for some reason ,gee I wonder why? Maybe because the LGBTIQC has no actual humans as members of the non-existant illegitimate ,LGBTIQC whatever it is definitly isn't a political movement worthy of the name .In fact it was developed by ,yes kiddies ,The United Nations !