if you are on welfare should you have the right to vote?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by jesseventura, Apr 21, 2011.


if you are on welfare or take more from the gov then taxed, can you vote?

  1. yes

    141 vote(s)
  2. No

    60 vote(s)
  1. MVictorP

    MVictorP Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    No, you shouldn't be able to vote. Neither should prisoners, or the criminal. Or the mentally challenged (by either poor IQ or old age). On the other hand, if you are working, even at 16, you should have the right to vote.

    Nor should the rich be able to give unlimited amount of money to a party, or worse, to many, among the other problems democracy faces.
  2. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Really, we don't have the GOP telling us what is moral or not? Maybe you have not seen or heard speeches from Satorum, Cruz, Paul, ect.

    That is your opinion and it is dismissed as such.

    Homosexuality is not "smeared" on my face and Sharia law is not a liberal idea. So spare me your partisan hackery comments and faux outrage. The country was not run on ONLY conservative or ONLY liberal ideas. A balance of the two is needed to be successful.
  3. Reason10

    Reason10 Banned

    Oct 1, 2013
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    None of those guys ran on morality platforms where they would tell us what is moral or not. Ted Kennedy did. Barak Ebola did. Bill Clinton certainly did. Santorum, Cruz and Paul ran on ECONOMIC issues. There's a difference.
    States passing defense of marriage statutes being overturned by liberal judges IS SMEARING HOMOSEXUALITY IN MY FACE. Same sex marriage IS SMEARING HOMOSEXUALITY IN MY FACE.
    Oh, yes it is, considering that our current president is a Muslim. And right now, Muslim religion is being forcibly taught in public schools, THANKS TO YOU LIBERALS. And Our MUSLIM president is emptying Club Gitmo, so a lot of dangerous terrorists will be coming your way. Don't be stupid and blame a conservative for that.
    Spare you the truth? What's the matter? You can't handle the truth? You only want hackery LEFT WING comments and PMSNBC bull(*)(*)(*)(*)? Are you THAT much of a liberal (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)bag?
    We had that with George W. Bush, and you liberals hated him. He was an unpopular president toward the end.
    Ronald Reagan governed on mainstream conservative principles and he is considered the GREATEST AMERICAN PRESIDENT IN HISTORY.
  4. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Some GOP memebers do and others do not. You cons don't seem to mind the GOP members that ARE telling us what morality to follow.

    Something being LEGAL is not smearing you in the face. Tell me are strip clubs SMEARING you in the face too? Gimme a break, you are too funny.

    Sharia law is CONSERVATIVE. And spare me the Obama is a Muslim tripe. You are just as credible as the birthers and truthers if you believe that (*)(*)(*)(*).

    LOL, quoting "A few good men" doesn't make you right. As I mentioned before I am liberal on some ideas and conservative on others. The fact you lose your (*)(*)(*)(*) over anyone "daring" to disagree with you is hilarious. The foaming at the mouth from you is funny.

    GWB was unpopular because of Iraq. He has a SOLID approval rating until then. Ronald Reagan is ONLY considered the greatest by far right hacks that masturbate to his legacy.
  5. Reason10

    Reason10 Banned

    Oct 1, 2013
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    The states LEGALLY defined marriage as between a man and a woman. And unelected judges OVERTURNED THE (*)(*)(*)(*)ING WILL OF THE PEOPLE. I guess you extremist LIBERAL Democrats don't really trust DEMOCRACY, do you?
    That's not even a SMART lie.
    Oh, and Barak Ebola was raised as a Muslim. According to Sharia law, THAT MAKES HIM A MUSLIM. Not my call. Look it up.
    Nope. You're about as centrist as Barak Ebola. You're a LIBERAL.
    WRONG. GW lost the Republican base when he began giving things to the Democrats.(Promoting Amnesty, new Medicare Drug entitlement) Had he continued his conservative ways, his polling numbers never would have tanked.
    Only lying left wing (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)bags think such a (*)(*)(*)(*)ing LIE.
  6. tkolter

    tkolter Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2012
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    I'm on disability and on welfare after working as long as I could before my health failed to much to be unemployable, why should not have the right to vote, is it my fault I was born with some disabilities and others came on later? And I never drank, smoked or did illegal narcotics not properly prescribed to me for medical need and worked but being disabled all my life that was what work I could get part-time, off the books for cash or barter or self-employment in areas where I could make some money. My family helped me out with a place to live and other support to. I went to taxpayer support through the government as a last resort.

    And what if a person is born so disabled they can't work or do things for themselves, I was lucky compared to some.
  7. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Something being UNCONSTITUTIONAL is not smearing you in the face. Again, you are a sore loser and that is about it.

    We don't live under Sharia law here in the U.S. so how is he a Muslim? BTW ALL CAPS DON'T MAKE YOU RIGHT.

    And tell me what's "liberal" about Sharia law. They don't allow homosexuals, they don't allow woman to have rights, they don't allow women to have abortions. There is NOTHING liberal about Sharia law, it is conservative in nature. It would be religious conservatism but it is conservatism no doubt about it.

    Sorry, but my noted quotes already show me disagreeing with Obama on foreign policy, disagreeing with him on the ACA, and I am a supporter of gun rights. You sir just do nothing but spew partisan hackery and lie out your ass with your comments.

    Oh yeah, he lost it alright, so much they voted for him twice. Your comments only show your foolishness.

    Well you are the one that has been shown with lying comments, so that is all I need to prove. Cons keep circle jerking it Reagan.
  8. jimkilbaek

    jimkilbaek New Member

    Jan 8, 2015
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  9. krashsmith81

    krashsmith81 New Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    I'm thinking that's not such a bad idea...it's bad enough we have the LIV's(Low Information Voters), but allowing people on gov't assistance to vote just guarantees the turnout of the "gibmedat" voters.
  10. WitchyWoman

    WitchyWoman New Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    I have no problem with them voting; what I have a problem with is that a major portion of them spend the money that taxpayers work for which goes to welfare on energy drinks, and they seem to have cigarettes and tatoos which cost a lot, also they produce many babies out of wedlock for taxpayers to pay for; also most of these type of welfare recipients do not have the faintest idea of what they are voting for. I also feel that they all should be given drug tests!
  11. WitchyWoman

    WitchyWoman New Member

    Oct 14, 2011
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    They aren't all lazy bums; many are elderly and or disabled whose retirement is gone or never had one. Jobs aren't exactly easy to find in many cities either.I know of many in my city that could work, but won't...they are bums and most of them are young adults.
  12. Reason10

    Reason10 Banned

    Oct 1, 2013
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    And they shouldn't be. They don't need that money. Worse, they are taking it off the dinner tables of other workers who are paying taxes.
  13. Reason10

    Reason10 Banned

    Oct 1, 2013
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    There's NOTHING unconstitutional about declaring marriage to be between a man and a woman. What the judges did was not only unconstitutional, it was impeachable judicial misconduct.
    He was raised as a Muslim. That makes him a Muslim, according to Muslim law. What is it you have with understanding facts? Do I have to repeat them a million times?

    It's anti American. It's anti-freedom. It's anti-woman. It's anti-FIRST AMENDMENT, just like you Democrats.
    Your ideology is extremist left wing. Your obscene comments about Ronald Reagan puts you squarely in the Ted Kennedy/Nazi Pelosi camp.
    Oh, and LOTS of liberals own guns. Even the hypocrites who want to overturn the Second Amendment.
    Your comments only show your total LACK of information. Bush's numbers didn't begin to tank until after he won that landslide against John Kerry. (who by the way served in Vietnam). The results of the Carter/Clinton/Obama sub prime mortgage crisis took place and Bush got the blame, even as he had nothing whatsoever to do with that.
    You just HATE losing an argument. And you've lost this one.
    End of discussion.
  14. Reason10

    Reason10 Banned

    Oct 1, 2013
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    Pretty much sums up the liberal attitude on this issue.
    Bottom line, NON TAXPAYERS should not be allowed to vote. If you aren't even paying $10 in taxes why should you be allowed to vote?
    That includes the useless parasitic welfare bums.
  15. Taxpayer

    Taxpayer Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 31, 2009
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    I think you're mistaken as to why we have a universal vote in this country. It's not because we think that does someone a favor by allowing them to participate, because they paid for the privilege of putting in their two cents or because we think we'll get a better decision if 316 million cooks are in the kitchen.

    It's more about responsibility for the direction and policies of this country, the stuff we all have to live with.

    If you exclude some from the process, then when things get hard those excluded will point to those included and claim they imposed the policies on the rest of us. That the ones who got a vote, are responsible for where this country ended up. And you have a revolution.

    American citizens, useless parasites or otherwise, get an equal vote. But when some discover life is unfair and start to blame the policies of this country for the hardships they might encounter... there is no one King or ruling class to blame.

    Whether a person voted for a policy, failed to vote on an issue, or failed to convince his equal partners that there was a better way to go -- he got the same vote as the next person. We share equal ownership of this country and how it ends up. I think that's essential.

  16. unrealist42

    unrealist42 New Member

    Mar 3, 2011
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    Everyone pays taxes so everyone should vote.
    Just because they do not pay some taxes does not mean they pay no taxes at all.

    If you want to limit voting only to those who pay income tax consider this, the first year of the income tax there was only one person in the entire US who had a high enough income to pay it. If the idea is that only those who pay income tax should be allowed to vote, legislation could be passed to change the income tax rates so that over 99% of the population pays no income tax and becomes disenfranchised.

    Are you OK with that, because once a law passes tying voting rights to income tax the chances that mass disenfranchisement will exclude everyone but the extremely wealthy from voting increases dramatically.
  17. Arxael

    Arxael Banned

    Dec 2, 2014
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    Your opinion is dismissed as incorrect. Sorry you hate losing like you currently are. SSM bans are in fact unconstitutional.
    And I was raised Roman Catholic, I am agnostic now. That doesn't mean I am Roman Catholic. Who cares what the Muslim religion thinks, it is what the person believes that matters. What is it with you that you CAN'T understand that.

    Sorry, but I already listed it has FAR more in common with conservatism than with liberalism. Again you lose, sorry you don't like that.

    LOL I don't take judgement from ignorant people such as yourself. Your opinion on what my ideology is, is both ignorant, pointless, and flat out lying.

    I see you ignore the other things I listed because it proves you wrong. What is it about Cons that they like to lie when they lose?
    Yes, end of discussion, you are wrong. You and other GOP shills voted for Bush twice so quit distancing yourself from someone you obviously agree with.

    BTW, learn how to quote correctly, or do you need someone to show you how like a newbie?
  18. Reason10

    Reason10 Banned

    Oct 1, 2013
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    The old liberal line, eh? Give 'em foodstamps or there will be rioting in the streets. And that was proven in Georgia when some of the welfare checks weren't as large as they were a month ago. There was a riot at the welfare office. Forget the right to vote, those scumbags rioted because they felt the world owed them a living.

    I'm not buying it, and here's why. It's easy to talk Revolution. A REAL revolution? I don't think so. The Founding Fathers who began the American Revolution were VERY courageous rich, educated landowners who basically gave up everything for the American cause. Are you telling me these lazy, useless parasites who are basically high school dropouts are somehow going to have the brains and the intestinal fortitude to organize a nation-sized revolution against the government, when those lazy (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)es can't even get out of bed before noon?

    I say national policies should DISCOURAGE welfare, rather than reward the lazy, (as Barak Ebola's policies have done.) I say welfare bums should have to WORK like dogs, picking up trash everywhere like prison labor. Their welfare checks should last only six months, after which they either get a job or get cut off. They should be drug tested and CUT OFF if there's any illegal substances in their systems. And NO WAY should they be allowed to vote, with the idea that when they are ready to get off their fat asses and productive citizens, THEN let them vote.

    It's not impossible to use government policy to ENCOURAGE a work ethic. So far, (at least for the past 70 years) government policy has been used to DISCOURAGE a work eithic.

    I don't believe we share equal OWNERSHIP of America. To OWN something, you have to pay for it. You can't sit back and lat that something support you and then claim ownership.
  19. Reason10

    Reason10 Banned

    Oct 1, 2013
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    Nope. Until the United States Supreme Court rules on the matter, overturning the will of the people is nothing more than judicial misconduct from liberal judges who should never have been appointed in the first place.
    Apples and oranges. Roman Catholic law doesn't specify that. Muslim law does, or do you only want to hold the country accountable to Roman Catholic law?
    No you haven't. All you've done is LIE about what conservatism is. Modern conservatism. Then again, you LIBERALS don't know how to argue without LYING.

    Conservatives don't lie. We don't have to. We're right and you liberals are wrong. I've already proven that a bunch of times in this thread. And YOU LIBERALS hate to lose. And you've lost this argument.
  20. unrealist42

    unrealist42 New Member

    Mar 3, 2011
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    Conservatives do not lie because if they believe something to be true it is, regardless of reality.

    We can only hope and pray that these poor souls wake up from their hallucinations and begin to act like human beings before they destroy the planet.
  21. Hairball

    Hairball Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    I don't agree with "cut-off" dates. They either need assistance, or they don't. An arbitrary date does not affect the need.
  22. Battle3

    Battle3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2013
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    Absolutely not. Receiving welfare is like a bribe, its too easy for a politician to say "vote for me and I will increase welfare".

    People voting themselves benefits is a mistake, as we are finding out.
    mikemikev and (deleted member) like this.
  23. Reason10

    Reason10 Banned

    Oct 1, 2013
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    The only poor souls are the uneducated liberals (yes, I know that's a redundancy) who live life totally through their emotions and have cement for heads. Conservatives (you know, the ones WITH an education) hope some day you liberals will grow some brains and start THINKING about even HALF the crap you're proposing before you bankrupt this country. WE built it. You didn't. You don't have the right to destroy it.
  24. unrealist42

    unrealist42 New Member

    Mar 3, 2011
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    Get a grip pal, many wealthy nation builders, and a majority of people who have advanced education are liberals because they know how to think and decide for themselves, unlike the conservatives with their relentless fear mongering and faith based adherence to a myriad of outdated, wrong, false and completely disingenuous positions that only an ignoramus would actually believe.
  25. Reason10

    Reason10 Banned

    Oct 1, 2013
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    NOPE. No liberal ever built a nation, a business, or even a good pile of dog(*)(*)(*)(*). Liberals are idiots who have zero education and don't know how to think.

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