If you consider the money Planned Parenthood gets...it's nothing

Discussion in 'Abortion' started by Gorn Captain, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    compared to the pot of cash available to an enterprising individual if abortion were re-criminalized nation-wide. Think of the opportunities-

    1. Airline/bus shuttle service from the US to Canada, Mexico, British Virgin Islands, Bahamas for a "quick weekend visit".

    2. Smuggling RU-486 into the country and charging a 300% mark-up and getting it.

    3. "Speakeasy" "private spas" for the elite where MDs provide a whole range of services...from Botox...to collegen.....to "therapeutic uterine bleeding D&Cs"?

    4. Blackmail of Republicans and their families to not reveal the use of the above services to their "pro-life" constituents.

    As we know from our "War on Drugs" and as we learned the LAST time we tried to impose a religious/moral "Prohibition"....big bucks follow behind it.


    (Meyer Lansky....the original "Hyman Roth")

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