If you could take a camera back to any single event in the entire history of the universe, what would you want to photograph? Some event in human history? A natural phenomena like Krakatoa? The Big Bang, even? What one event in history would you want to have a picture of?
The look on Hilary Clinton's face when she found about out what Bill did. Actually the big bang would be my choice if it was possible to take a picture or video of it. That picture/video would advance the human race magnanimously.
The point where humans evolved from fish to rodents. A second picture would be from rodents to monkeys, then to what we see today.
Maybe the death of Kurt Cobain. I've never been big on conspiracy theories, but there are so many oddball inconsistencies with the official story that I'd be really curious to see what actually happened. Either to see who was really responsible or to see how all the details of the official story fit together.
That whole thing was a mess. I knew the two of them sort of peripherally and while they sometimes seemed happy together she was, and still is, the last I talked to her, the single most high maintenance woman I've ever met. Even when they seemed fine together Kurt had to walk around on eggshells for fear of inadvertently saying something, or not saying something fast enough, or using the wrong word to say something not fast enough, or whatever, that would send her into a crisis mode that you would expect from someone waking up to discover she'd been kidnapped by jungle rebels. Not because her husband disagreed with her on who was the best Beatle, or didn't immediately answer because he was on a phone call. There's no way to extrapolate this pettiness to what some people claim happened, and I don't have any insight at all into the last 4 months of their lives. But after watching that documentary I felt like we needed another Warren Commission to get to the bottom of it all. What I meant to say was that if you were there to take a picture you would probably just prevent the actual death. So the picture would just be another picture of him above his garage.
That's why I don't date riot grrrls. I'd be fine with that. Perhaps it might have even saved music from that rather dull and uninspired period in the mid to late '90s. I think the next band with that kind of musical integrity that really did anything big was At the Drive-In in 2000. And unfortunately they burned out in their prime too.
I'd make it a video camera and record the conversations between Bush and Blair about Iraq's WMDs. That'd be worth a fortune now.
And waste such a cosmic opportunity? I'm sure, we won't learn nothing new. Nah... I'd photograph Mayans meeting Aliens...
I'd try and take a picture or video recording of any evidence of a God/Gods back when they supposedly were around more often and actually talking to people, maybe get a snapshot of an angel or something or record the world supposedly being flooded and tape footage of the millions of animals on board the Ark. lol If none of that happened though I dunno, I'd try and find something else that needed real physical evidence of existing and try to photograph/tape it. Isn't there still some debate about how they actually built the pyramids too?
When I was in elementary school they taught us it was a fact that they dragged the blocks on boards and rolled them on huge logs or something up these ramps. But of course I later learned that there are a variety of ways they could have done it.
I would photograph Col. Gagarin and Vostok 1 as they cross into space. Or maybe it'd be cool to photograph the first life-form as it became alive.
Great question OP! As modern cameras can shoot video, I would want to capture the Resurrection of Jesus and once and for all find out if Jesus is God or just a great Prophet. Now if I had no video and could only capture a single image... I would take a picture of The Lighthouse of Alexandria.