If You Do It It's Not Illegal!

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Jack Ridley, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. Jack Ridley

    Jack Ridley New Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    In the United States we have something called, sovereign immunity, which means that the government cannot be sued and cannot be punished for breaking the law. I find it very annoying whenever people prattle on about "equality under the law" or "legal rights" because there are no such things. The very concept of law is inimical to rights. The very concept of law requires inequality under it. The government has committed theft(taxation), counterfeiting(quantitative easing), murder(war, capital punishment), and kidnapping(imprisonment). A police officer may club someone but you may not. Thus, I think we are all in agreement that if the government does it it's not illegal.

    But who is the government? It is an abstract being, but since things which only exist as abstractions cannot do anything clearly these special privileges must extend to actual individuals. You think it would be safe to assume that the individual who is nominally the head of the government, the guy who sits behind a specific desk in a specific building in a specific city in a specific continent would be the beneficiary of these privileges before anyone else is. However, Dick Nixon apparently did not have the voodoo spirits on his side.

    So if not even the President of the United States of America(TM) counts as "The Government", then clearly anything goes! He must have been a usurper, and the the person who really is the government could be ANYBODY. Maybe it's YOU! After all, everybody who says that they are a "United States Supreme Court Judge" or a "Deputy Director of the CIA" could be LYING! These people might be pretending to hold titles they actually have no rightful claim to since "The Government"(The REAL one, not this pretend government we have) hasn't bestowed them upon them. Moreover, since supposedly "The Government" is made up of the people, and you are one of the people, you are "The Government".

    Ever wanted to be a vengeful and angry God? Don't like your neighbors? Just don't want to pay the meter maid? Why should you? You're "The Government". You can do anything you want.

    "L'etat C'est Moi!"

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