Immigration fix?

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by beth115, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    While your opinion is your opinion, but then why do you post two conflicting opinions in direct succession? You have attempted to minimize the overall effects of the illegal immigrants and are trying to instill the issue into a very narrow window of effects. In effect causing the distraction and naming a scapegoat instead of addressing the issue at hand, illegal immigration. So your disagreement seems to be in direct conflict with you other posts based on some emotional knee-jerk reaction.

    This thread is about the fix to immigration, not Wall Street nor the Occupy Wall Street issues. You ignore the vastness of the illegal immigration problem and it's overall effects on the whole nation, not just employment.

    The whole issue with immigration are the people that believe in the American dream and come here to have the freedom to pursue that dream of freedom and opportunity.

    The issues stemming from illegal immigration are much more sinister. They are not based on freedom but slavery. The only opportunity desired centers around the massive welfare system available here. Where in their native lands they would either take care of themselves or parish, here their every desires are administered by a government that feels most comfortable stealing from those that can to distribute to those that won't.

    And that little addresses the political ramifications of this mass invasion, yes invasion. It is an overthrow of the people of this country by subversion, a new form of aggression akin to physical war.
  2. Greataxe

    Greataxe Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 20, 2011
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    Build a wall using captured illegal aliens placed on chain gangs.

    Give a tax refund of $1,000 for each citizen, hospital, doctor's office, school or company that turns in an illegal alien.

    No more Visas for nations with high rates of illegals here.

    Deport ALL illegal aliens that are no in jail for other crimes---and their anchor babies who are not citizens per the 14th.
  3. ronnie61

    ronnie61 New Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    I think it is a HUGE stretch to assume that people are coming here to get a free ride on welfare. That type of nonsensical thinking makes great sound bytes on Foxnews, but it is far from the truth. I have known many illegal aliens in my time, and most of them are very hard working people hoping to make enough to send a few dollars back to their families in whatever country they came from. They typically live in under par housing in groups under conditions that are less than enviable. It is not easy to get on welfare, and if you are undocumented, forget it.
  4. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    And I've known people that think they are gods but they are just psychopaths. So by many, just how large of share of the estimated 11.4 million here illegally do you know? As to the rest, only those with their heads in the sand can deny what is happening. Now I've posted this previously in this thread but so as not to have you strain yourself, let's repeat.

    Some surprise, all those south of the border and a Caribbean Island. How about Pew Research?

    Hey, even Odumbo says it's so. So I would guess that any assumptions made would have to be on your part.
  5. ronnie61

    ronnie61 New Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    1 There were 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. in 2014. The population has remained essentially stable for five years, and currently makes up 3.5% of the nation’s population. The number of unauthorized immigrants peaked in 2007 at 12.2 million, when this group was 4% of the U.S. population.

    I will quote your source.. The population has remained essentially "STABLE" for five years. This alone disproves your assumption that we are being over run with illegals flocking here to get government benefits.

    WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is planning new steps to prevent people in the country illegally from obtaining Medicare after finding that tens of thousands were improperly receiving benefits.

    So you are complaining about these people getting "Medicare" not welfare?

    You would prefer 11.3 million people stay sick, go unvaccinated, spread disease? I'm not sure I understand your rage.
  6. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    "The overall estimate has fluctuated little in recent years because the number of new unauthorized immigrants is roughly equal to the number who are deported, leave the U.S. on their own, convert to legal status, or (in a small number of cases) die, according to the Pew Research analysis."

    "Pew Research estimates that, since 2009, there has been an average of about 350,000 new unauthorized immigrants each year. Of these, about 100,000 are Mexican, a much smaller share than in the past."

    Seems they are still flooding across the borders but now the stem has been contained somewhat in that the deportations are catching up with the importations. But what is interesting is the Mexican flow is much less than before, would that be because we exported all the jobs?

    But we are still being overrun with illegals crossing the border, many trying to develop the "anchor" baby concept, getting welfare for that baby. So you can put your head in the sand and pretend it's not happening all you want, doesn't change facts, but emphasizes your failure to do any research at all.

    Oh, that's right, FOX doesn't get anything right, so how about CNN?

    Funny that would be the conclusion, but then it just shows the total lack of understanding and instead try to deflect. No, that is just part of the overall problem, the illegal immigrants try to take advantage of all they can. Actually that is somewhat unfair, it really is the act of the liberals trying to give away all they can and the illegals thinking this is why they came, such generously.

    Yes, I would prefer they stay sick or go home. I would wish vaccinations on no one, including the illegal immigrants. Spreading disease, they do that by their arrival but then that is what the funeral pyres are all about, those cleansing fires. And today we have those great crematoriums, so clean.

    For sure you wouldn't understand including that I'm not a liberal and don't do things emotionally but logically, a concept not understood by most bleeding heart liberals.
  7. ronnie61

    ronnie61 New Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    It is obvious we will not see eye to eye on this. So, I guess my question becomes what is YOUR fix? You have already shown Obama appreciation for his deportation program. What more would you do? Congress is broken and cannot pass any legitimate legislation that does not benefit a corporation or private prison. Deporting 11 Million people is impossible not only because of the logistics but because corporate America will not allow it. Laws in place to penalize law breaking employers are ignored. Your venom is aimed at the evil "liberals" even though conservatives had had power over and over and done nothing. What is YOUR fix?
  8. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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    Well, let's see, the one I gave previously posted above to save the effort of one saying they can't find it.

    Are you delusional? I have shown Odumbo nothing but contempt for his asinine position. The quoted section was just one of the many flips and flops he makes on anything he says. You can always tell when Odumbo is lying, he said something. About Odumbo, try for treason and then hang on White House lawn at high noon. Government should charge for admission, could erase a large part of the debt. Of course Hitlerly should share the space beside him, that is unless billed as separate event to raise additional funds to pay down the debt. Too bad Odumbo pardoned Dubba and Chainya, that could have raised a tremendous amount of funds. But let's stop here as this list could go on quite a ways.

    What makes you think Congress is broken? The slaves that selected them have received exactly what they asked for, nothing more, nothing less. Why just in the past fifteen years, every combination has been tried and all with the same result, so how is it that congress is broken? It is the idiocy of the voters that is the problem.

    Really, and what would be the justification for that? They either leave or they face consequences of being undocumented foreign invaders and shot after the trial. Hey, it probably wouldn't take but a minute fraction of a fraction of those bullets HMS has ordered before the stampede for the border is in full swing. But in reality, the thought of getting caught, tried, and forever banned entry to this country would be enough for self-deportation. Then millions would be not only allowed back, but be offered Visas with jobs, the dreams of many. It has already been documented many times over that Americans do not last more than a couple of days in the hot sun picking crops before they never return, no matter the wage. Immigrants will fight each other for the opportunity to do the same job for minimum wage, everybody benefits.

    Ignored, not really. Enforced because of whom they are, yes. I lived for over 30 years in South Florida and have seen many raids but why, they run today, return tomorrow and only those companies without resources are punished. See the statement on Congress broken if you don't have a clue as to why.

    Again an opinion of which you are clueless, under what guise do you make such presumptions? The issue at hand is currently the platform of Odumbo, in a past life it was Dubba, but that idiot is no longer "it". What part of my signature of "Political Athetist" has you confused? And I have nothing against the true classical liberals nor the classical conservatives so long as their beliefs do not impede my belief in ignoring them both. But the new "Progressive Liberal Socialist" and NeoCON fascist that somehow believe their depravity should be forced on anyone is pure idiocy as are those that vote those psychopaths as somehow their representatives. My fix, anarchy in one of it's most purest senses as portrayed by the Declaration of Independence and established by the constitution for the protection not the control of the people.

  9. beth115

    beth115 New Member Past Donor

    Aug 15, 2015
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    You can't charge employers before there is a means for employers to quickly check an applicants legal status and government standing behind the information provided the employer. And,I have talked with many Hispanics that tell me they are not u.s. citizens and yet have have jobs where their employer deducts taxes and reports their income,how? They tell me they make up an SS number and show the employer their drivers license and IF caught give them a new number until fired. Don't be so quick to blame employers. Guess we could require all job applicants to provide their birth certificates! But doubt that would fly amongst liberals they like putting the burden on everyone but the person.

    KAMALAYKA Banned

    Oct 19, 2009
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    1. Build internment camps.

    2. Round up the illegals and detain them.

    3. Starve them slowly until their morale is broken.

    4. Watch them run back to Mexico with their tails between their legs.
  11. ronnie61

    ronnie61 New Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Liberal Blah, blah, blah, Liberal, blah, blah, nice argument.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Someone once tried that in Germany.
  12. ronnie61

    ronnie61 New Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    If congress had the balls to go after employers... the problem would go away. There is way too much money paying our politicians to keep the situation exactly as it is. It is NOT a Liberal Issue it is NOT a conservative issue. NEITHER camp will take the necessary steps to end illegal immigration. Lock up the employers, CEO's hiring illegal workers.

    KAMALAYKA Banned

    Oct 19, 2009
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    Those Mexicans think they're humans?!?!
  14. ronnie61

    ronnie61 New Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    I would like to hear your definition of human. IF your post was serious, then my guess they most likely possess more human qualities than you do.

    KAMALAYKA Banned

    Oct 19, 2009
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    As you know, human = white male born after Jesus walked the earth.
  16. ronnie61

    ronnie61 New Member

    Aug 2, 2015
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    LOL, I rest my case.
  17. JakeJ

    JakeJ Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 5, 2015
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    One thing would to make it actually criminally illegal to be in the country illegally. The USA is one of the few countries where it is not a crime to be in the country without permission.
  18. AlNewman

    AlNewman Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2015
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