Could the one million residents of Mississauga who are from so many different nations unite around the cause of deliberately turning deserts green in order to prevent Nova Scotia from becoming an island......... and the destruction of the Bay of Fundy fisheries as the top soil of the Isthmus of Chignecto is liquified as ocean levels rise even a small amount..... and also to prevent the Maldive Islands from becoming below sea level.... and.... .and.... and.... and.... .and......???? How about the seven million residents of the Greater Toronto Area?????? When could Nova Scotia become an island? Israel has the technology to turn deserts green.... and Israel wanted to share what they had developed with the Islamic world so.... they donated amazing Solar Desalination Technology to Norway...... so that Norwegian scientists and diplomats could share that ttechnology with the Islamic nations.... .that in the past would not deal directly with Israel! Crown Prince of Norway visits Sahara Forest Project! In my opinion though..... desalination fuelled by natural gas is the best way to go as Solar Desalination methods are improved more and more over time. Israel Proves the Desalination Era Is Here One of the driest countries on Earth now makes more freshwater than it needs By Rowan Jacobsen, Ensia on July 29, 2016
True... but now that I am living in Mississauga I know from first hand experience that these new immigrants generally have a phenomenal work ethic....... and many of them are actually quite creative and might be willing to do something with a concept that I put out there over a decade ago. Although I know that I made some significant errors in what I have written on this topic it is obvious that I at minimum care about this type of issue. The Worgl Austria Great Depression Experiment and a real estate boom in rural America?
Yes..... they have brought a high level of talent as well as experience to the job market here in Ontario...... but I do believe that one of their greatest contributions will be to world peace..... and increase economic cooperation between nations that were rivals in the past. Is Woody Harrelson one of the most courageous and wise famous people on earth??
Finally G.P.P. is beginning to make more sense to me...... I read Gods' Peace Plan for the Holy Land four times............... ... but I have serious problems with the idea of this plan coming first........ My theory NOW is that the building of the Ezekiel chapter forty to forty eight temple complex comes first.......... then after the Ruach ha Kodesh is poured out on all flesh... then both God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land and / or the Abrahamic Peace Accords THEN become possible... and worthy of consideration........ AFTER THE LITERAL AS WELL AS METAPHORICAL MEANING OF EZEKIEL CHAPTER FORTY SEVEN COMES TO PASS!!!!!!!!!! EZEKIEL CHAPTER FORTY SEVEN.....
Personally... I think that M. P. Sean Fraser would be the wisest choice that could be made by the Liberals under these extremely difficult set of circumstances!
Now my apologies if this is the wrong place to post the following....... but I will try my best to explain how this can all fit together rather nicely......... over the coming months.... and years..... and decades........ I was a member of Canada's Liberal party from 2009 to 2015 and I actually did attempt to put together a campaign to rival Mr. Justin Trudeau for the office of National Leader of Canada's Liberal Party......... SPECIAL REPORT: Sophie Grégoire Trudeau Sets The Record Straight On The Truth Behind Her Split From Justin Trudeau I have a friendly challenge to put in front of Ms. Sophie Gregoire Trudeau........ I believe that she should print up a Sophie Gregoire Trudeau DOLLAR similar to and..... I have some suggestions on how she..... in theory at least...... could set in motion a series of events that could lead to proving that the national debt of Canada is significantly a PRACTICAL JOKE THAT IS BEING PLAYED ON CANADIANS...... Here is some background information for fans of Ms. Sophie Gregoire Trudeau to research...... A Liberal Party Dollar or Liberal Party Volunteerism Hour could....... For the record... this writing was on the official Liberal Party discussion forum.... for many months before I posted this to political forum .com