Inadequate federal regulation, not Romney’s Bain Capital was at fault.

Discussion in 'Economics & Trade' started by Supposn, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. Supposn

    Supposn Guest

    Inadequate federal regulation, not Romney’s Bain Capital was at fault.

    During the Republican primaries, there’s been unjustified criticism of Romney’s Bain Capital and similar financial industry enterprises. Such enterprises are being faulted because many if not a majority of such ventures profit only the enterprises’ owners and executives.

    We all do what we can to function within our environment and commercial enterprises exist within environments primarily affected by the nations’ governments. When Bain Capital maximized their profits regardless of the effects upon all others, it behaved true to its purpose. Bain and Romney should not be faulted for what was essentially driven by governments’ laws’ and regulations.
    The faults are due to the voters and the office holders they elect.

    I’m a proponent of transparent government that respects individual persons and other entities privacy and self-determination and safety. Our laws should prohibit activity that is contrary to our society’s better interests, and our government should be minimal interventionist.
    I’m also a proponent of competitive free enterprise, level open markets, ALL nations and USA states sovereignty and equal treatment under law.

    Rather than considering these as contrary political positions, I consider them all as valid but it’s not unusual that they require parsing to determine the most desirable outcomes. Our goal is minimum inferior and maximum superior public policies; "We got to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative”.

    Regarding specific criticism of commercial enterprises’ contributions to our nation’s trade deficit, refer to these topics:

    ”Trade deficits are always detrimental to their nations’ GDPs”,
    posted @ 8PM, 26Mar2011, On the US politics forum
    “Reduce the trade deficit; increase GDP & median wage”,
    posted @ 8:07PM, 26Mar2011
    On the Peak Oil, Economics & the Environment forum

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