Inside Look at Juvinile Corrections.......

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by SweatShirt, Jul 31, 2012.


Real or Fake?!?!?!

Poll closed Aug 30, 2012.
  1. Real

    0 vote(s)
  2. Fake

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  1. SweatShirt

    SweatShirt New Member

    Jul 26, 2012
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    Well, I have been inside a juvenile detention facility before and to be honest, it isn’t pretty. We have school in there and we have principles and administrators and also super intendents of the whole facility. We never really see any of them ever except for maybe once or twice in the 6-9 months that we spend there. We had a graduation ceremony and all of the hirer officials showed up and decided to act like they knew us and spent a lot of time with us and cared for us but in reality they just put on a show for the parents that attended for their children. I don’t know about you but I think that is complete BS and they need to stop putting on a fake front mask and be real, because not once did they talk to us, not once did they ever try to help us out, not once did they not put us up in our cells, and not once did they actually care for us. I’m posting this to get the truth out about Juvenile Detention Facilities and to get your opinion on it. So you tell me, Are they real or Fake?!?!?!

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