Introduction to Myself

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by ResearchingPublications, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. ResearchingPublications

    ResearchingPublications New Member

    Dec 6, 2013
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    I am a researcher, philosopher, historian, activist, metaphysician; an overall seeker of truth. I question the very nature of all things, particularly for this forum here, Politics.

    I believe in a Republic, where knowledge flourishes, bringing happiness and higher pleasure to the individual and the collective as a whole. I do not think in terms of Left and Right, but in terms of what's good and right and what's bad and wrong. A Republic, for me, should be governed by any just laws, in which all people must abide, whether citizen or ruler. The main reason why there's tyranny is because the people of the world suffer from lack of knowledge of self; it is because they let their minds be suppressed with materialism and immorality. Our carnal selves are the reason why there's division, and is the reason why the powers that be are always on their high-chairs. They hide in their castles, and feel enjoyment knowing that the masses have become subservient to their (the powers that be) will.

    It's not just a political struggle of the physical plane that people must face, it's also a spiritual jihad to perfect oneself to the Godhead Immortal. Eternal Bliss is the goal of humanity, and now is the chance to attain, and even maintain it.

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    I am an open minded person, and I do like to hear other peoples' voices as practicing my preaching of a Republic - equality of the Self. I do not debate but discuss things, and I do not try to prove people wrong for the sake of winning, for I am a seeker like yourselves. What I do not like, however, are ignorant and emotional comments filled with anger and hate. Let's stop the hate, and let's bring in love, people.

    7up on the High Frequency, yall!

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