Iran has proposed to ban pet dogs and cats. Government religious authorities say that dogs are viewed as "dirty" in Islam and "unclean", and the practice of owning pets is "decadent". I have to say I can kind of see their perspective in a way. What they are saying is partially true. I wish they could find some sort of middle ground that still doesn't totally take away freedom. But humans are not very smart and usually think in terms of "all or nothing", "black and white", and don't like thinking in terms of complex ideas.
Dogs and cats are very intelligent, and they are better than humans in some ways. Far better than Iranian clerics any day of the week.
How do you know? Is there an Iranian cleric asleep on your couch or taking a dump in a pan of litter in the mud room? LOL. JK. I agree dogs and cats are better than humans in many ways.
They ban gays, Lesbians, and most of our western values ... so i am not surprised the Ayatullas considor pets as "dirty".
Lol, some of the sickest and filthiest dgens on the planet calling dogs unclean. never seen my dog wipe his *** with his paw before, but what do I know?