Is PF overrun with Racists?

Discussion in 'Opinion POLLS' started by Mushroom, Jul 18, 2012.


Are there more racists here then there should be?

  1. Yes, this board is full of them

    67 vote(s)
  2. Yes, there are a few more but not all that many

    22 vote(s)
  3. No, there are only a few of them here

    27 vote(s)
  4. Racists? I have never seen racists here

    6 vote(s)
  5. A single racist is to many racists

    2 vote(s)
  6. There should be more Racists here

    13 vote(s)
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  1. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Women shouldn't vote because they're not conscripted? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.... to fools.

    I've said this to another misogynist on the forum, and I'll say it to you, too:

    Get back to me when you can push a baby out. Untill then, you're not allowed to vote, LOL!!!!!

    You guys are hilarious. Truly. You and Libhater don't want women to vote. And yes, you two will really turn the tide of the world... to your way of thinking, LOL!!!!!

    Keep the gems coming...
  2. Liebe

    Liebe Banned

    Apr 13, 2011
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    We are not talking about an incident where one white did something wrong to one black. We are talking about institionalised racism in South Africa. the kind of racism that removes people from land, forces them to work for low wages in mines. Get it? It is well documented that the British came to South Africa and had financial considerations in mind when they passed various laws to enrich themselves.

    Anti-semitic delusions won't win you points in the world of doers and achievers. That belongs to the world of losers and non-business owners. Like Gwendoline says, with that line you aren't achieving much in the real world. It makes you sounds like a ninny who can't get a job.

    There is no way that these characters are going up to people in shops, restaurants, banks and anywhere else drooling "zionists...blacks...destroying and controlling us...argggh". No bloody
  3. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Stop pushing out lies by taking my words out of context. I don't want to have liberal women, i.e. (feminists) like yourself to have the privilege to vote in a country that you have no respect for and for a country you seek to destroy by ushering in a foreign ideology that is laced with non traditional, anti American, multicultural, PC, man hating pap. Look in the mirror to find the true definition of a racist. And if left up to female liberals and feminists alike--there would be no more civilization as we know it since you're all for abortion and lesbo marriages or relationships, thus you're hatred of men and your hatred of life itself.
  4. mikemikev

    mikemikev Banned

    May 6, 2012
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    Nonsense. Jews are the most racist of all (lowest level of exogamy) and also the best businessmen. Admittedly that is mostly based on screwing the "goys".

    "Racists" don't need to be in your face about it. They can smile as they stab you in the back.
  5. mikemikev

    mikemikev Banned

    May 6, 2012
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    LOL, the liberal feminists should go and see how their precious minorities practice "women's rights" in Saudi Arabia or the Congo.
  6. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Yeah, where was the feminazi crowd when the liberal bill clinton had his way with all those women? And where are the femanazis when women in Arab nations are being murdered by their husbands as a result of their Sharia Law? Once again, I have yet to see or hear of one instance where feminism or modern day liberalism for that matter has been a benefit to mankind or to womankind. Their entire agenda has always had a negative or regressive affect on society.
  7. Gwendoline

    Gwendoline Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2008
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    Keep dreaming, libhater.

    You're the one that starts derogatory threads about women at this forum. So stop projecting. Man hating, LOL!! True I don't care for fat sexist slugs like Rush, and you don't appeal to me, either, but I couldn't be bothered hating you or anyone. I just think sexist men are silly, misguided fools.

    I told you before, you don't know how to tap your toes and appreciate music. If you did, you might not be such an incredibly sour, humourless, grump.

    Must be time for that cute as a button lesbian to sing again:

  8. Mr. Swedish Guy

    Mr. Swedish Guy New Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    I said that I don't want them to get all the priviledges of citizenship (voting) if they don't take on the obligations (draft). Which is fair to me. Now, in many countries there are no draft anymore so'd I'd be in favour of giving women the right to vote.

    And by the way, you're an immature idiot. You called me a misogynist fool just because you didn't agree with me, though you didn't seem to understand what I meant in the first place. People like you are truly the most annoying people you could possible meet at forums. Basically spewing out baseless ad hominems, unable to have a civilized discussion, and of course: LOL!!!!!

    But here let me give you something that you can actually reply to since the above might be to hard to understand: lol u fail n00b, i pwned you!
  9. Dan40

    Dan40 New Member

    Mar 18, 2010
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    Hating for (Race, Skin Color, Sexual Orientation etc..) is probably LESS hate than hating for, "the stupid sh*t they say and do.":)
  10. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    That is because far to many people on the Left confuse issues with politics. And this has been a problem going on for many years. A Republican has sex with an Intern, and it is a capitol offense. A Democrat, and it is "Meh, personal freedom". A white man murders his wife, and man the picket lines and go on march for the oppressed. A black man does it, and obviously he is innocent 'cause the "LAPD is out to frame him".

    This is mostly an issue of political blindness, and I thought that this was a shame and brought great disgrace on groups like the NOW. When they can support individuals who are undergoing civil and criminal cases for molestation simply because of what party they belong to, I know the group is nothing but a great big bag full of warm, soft, steaming...

    you get the idea.
  11. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    And thank you for providing a perfect catch-22.

    You see, here in the US the "Draft" is only imposed on Citizens. You have to be a citizen before you can be drafted, that is one of those rights and responsibilities (like voting and jury duty) that only falls to Citizens.

    Sorry, the more I read of your posts, the more I just laugh and laugh and laugh. So by your definition, only those who serve in the military can vote, a Meritocracy. OK, I can buy that, if it was good enough for Robert Heinlein, it is good enough for me. So tell me, can you vote?

    And what is then to stop foreigners from floowing to your country, and then volunteering to serve. Because according to your definition, that seems to be what is needed. So we can get 100,000 from Somalia to all move up there and join the Army. So they have a job, citizenship, and fill the ranks of the military all at the same time. Awesome!

    And of course, this also has the benefit of keeping other undesireables from voting. Like the handicapped. Blind people can't join the military, so we certainly don't want them to vote either! And those who were in a car accident and paralized, they have no need to vote either.

    Then once we get the votes of the right people, we can restart Action T4, right?
  12. mikemikev

    mikemikev Banned

    May 6, 2012
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    No, what you write is idiotic and misrepresents the other poster. It is nothing but lies. I scratch my head at what kind of person could write such things.
  13. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Then kindly tell us what was really meant.
  14. Polar Bear

    Polar Bear New Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Stockton is the first large city in the US to file Chapter 9 bankruptcy.

    How are all those wonderful minorities doing for ya? I thought they are supposed to "enrich" the area in which they inhabit.

    Of course most Americans and race realists, those who really know what is going on, will easily point out that almost every city that is either in bankruptcy or on the brink has a minority-majority population. Minorities cannot feed, house, or educate themselves without white subsidies.

    And we are supposed to celebrate and cheer for this same demographic situation on a national level?

    -I await your response, as it appears you live in the Detroit of CA.

  15. Mushroom

    Mushroom Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
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    Yea, I have lived here for an entire 3 months. In a state that I fought for years to get out of.

    Don't blame me for the state of Stockton, it was like this long before I moved here. Or for the conditions of California, I hate this treaking turdpile of a state, and was so happy when I left here 10 years ago, thinking I would never have to return.

    However, I remember when the "White Mecca" of Orange Country almost did the same about 20 years ago. These situations have nothing to do with race, but fiscal mismanagement.
  16. SFJEFF

    SFJEFF New Member

    Sep 1, 2010
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    Almost all of it has to do with bad pension plans, which were the happy conspiracy of politicians, voters, and unions. Its a mess alright- but it doesn't have anything to do with race- it has to do with voters believing that they can get something for nothing, and Politicians for selling that idea, and for Unions trying to get the best deal for their members.
  17. Polar Bear

    Polar Bear New Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    It has everything to do with race.

    Middle aged white people who have no children, and white retirees with grown up children, do not want to fund school districts (via property taxes) that are largely used by brown and black students. Given that 70% of California's population under 18 is non-white, this is a serious issue, as few non-whites pay property taxes as they are either renters, section-8 tenants or they have arrangements where property taxes are subsidized. Crime in California is still well above the national average, as is any state where brown and black people outnumber white people in the cities. But the most (*)(*)(*)(*)ing thing about California is how quickly it went from a white, conservative state run by WASPs like Ronald Reagan to an uber-Marxist state run by Jews and Mexicans.

  18. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    You're talking past me, most likely on purpose. You would have no problem hiring a proud black person in your business. That wouldn't be a problem. Someone proud of being white, who didn't "hate groups of people irrationally", would still be a racist in your guilted out eyes. The only good white is one who prostrates themselves like this pathetic progressive. Look familiar?

  19. Brewskier

    Brewskier Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2011
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    Very well said. California should be a warning to the rest of the country on the dangers of population replacement. Replace successful whites with 3rd worlders, and what a shock, the area starts looking like the 3rd world. A few cities around my area boast a ridiculous 90%+ Hispanic population, and if someone were to blindfold you and drop you off in the middle of the city, you would swear you were in Mexico. It's disgusting, especially considering all of this area used to be very nice as recently as 40-50 years ago. It didn't take long for it all to collapse.

    The whites who say that this is a good thing live nowhere around it.
  20. Polar Bear

    Polar Bear New Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    Never have, never will...
  21. Trinnity

    Trinnity Banned

    Feb 3, 2011
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    Stupid self-hating fool.......................................................... :above:

  22. Liebe

    Liebe Banned

    Apr 13, 2011
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    The so-called femnazi crowd, whoever you deem them to be, will be individuals who will have various backgrounds, views and persuasions but who will probably all condemn a man for abusing his position of power over an intern. These same women will condemn abuse of women in every nation at the hands of anyone. Of course this brand of feminism means that I now can refuse to have sex with my hubby and he cannot rape me, it means that I am now recognised as a witness on a par with a grown man and that I can vote, work where I work and enter into contracts without my husband's assistance etc etc - how are those examples how feminism has been of benefit to humanity (or at least that part of humanity which are not misogynists) ? Pretty good developments I would say.

    You were pwned by claiming that only those who do military service should be entitled to vote. Most people are never conscripted. I do accept your view that feminism should mean equality in all respects including dying for your country and I surely do not think that men should be sacrificed only. On the other hand you surely know that it is the conservatives like Mike and Polar Bear who resist women being in the army because they are not "built for it". So will your corner make up its mind?

    Please answer his logical arguments point by point because the poster failed to think things through.

    Based on the logic of the right wingers here, blacks are to blame for the wall street crash, the crisis in Grrece and ireland and all other ecomomic issues the world over. Just a pity that that obviously makes no sense.

    there is no sense in being a proud black or white person - both would be wierd and make people uncomfortable. Should I be a proud freckled person or should I be prous based on my shoe size? How idiotic to be proud of something that you had no influence in.
  23. Akula

    Akula Banned

    Mar 19, 2011
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    It's always that way.
    They stand off at a distance away from the problem and then pretend to know better than those who live with it every single day.

    It would be interesting to take one of those anti whites and put them up in an apt. in one of the black areas of the city...ANY majority black city...and pay all their expenses for say...3 months... and let them get a taste of reality like those of us who live in cities that have become 70, 80 or 90% black.
    Then let's have them tell us about their experience and how it changed them...If they were to survive, that is.

    There are several virulent anti whites here who think they're soooo advanced and "inclusive" ...always calling people "racists"..and it's funny...if you look at where they're from it is ALWAYS some little podunk town (like Spanaway or Everette in Washington state for instance).... with a 4 or 5% black demographic...and they ramble on endlessly about racism and why white people are racists and why negroes don't mean any harm and it's all white people's fault if they get robbed or murdered because there know..slavery in the u.s...blah...blah...blah...

    If this country lasted another 500 years..and it won't...they would STILL use the "slavery" excuse to explain why negroes can't live in a civilized society among white people and everywhere they go ruin and crime follow...Take Detroit..A city built by white people..once a great city, now in complete ruin. Why? because blacks move in with their section 8 and welfare and crime and they won't work, which causes a drain on the system because it's easier to take free stuff from those who DO work..

    So white people want to get away from the danger and "white flight" occurs...then the city is left with fewer tax payers and more welfare blacks ...lacking a strong base of taxpayers to pay for things, the city has to start cutting services which induces even MORE white people to leave... less tax money comes in...Now in Detroit the police won't respond to calls, bodies are left in the street for days..they can't even keep the street lights on....

    There's one anti white who thinks he's an "expert" on U.S. race relations (in other words "all white people are racists") who lives in a town in Canada...CANADA! with a demographic of 2% black!...but he never fails to chime in and tell us how wrong we are for observing that negroes commit more than half the violent crimes in the u.s. despite only being 12% of the population.
  24. Libhater

    Libhater Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2010
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    Best post by far in describing the black arse kissing fools that live in faraway places like Spanaway, WA--who have no clue as to the ruin these minorities have leveled on our society--especially in the larger cities. You'll notice that ruined cities like Detroit almost always have Democrap mayors and the state of Michigan (being another border state) is governed by a Democrap and is open as a sanctuary city to an illegal invasion of even more entitlement anchor 3rd world minorities. Not only was California in greater shape back when Reagan and the Wasps were in power, but the state wasn't bankrupt like it is now.

    I have a vision of seeing Kallyfornicator being taken over by the La Raza Chicanos to where the United States will get a revised union of 49 states. I say let that troubled leftist state either sink into oblivion from a series of earthquakes or bankruptcy or let the Mexican cartels have their way with it. Kallyfonicator--what a pitiful place for anyone to live. And then you have nancy pelosi's sin city of gay blades coming from san fran. My GOD...what a disgrace! :bonk:
  25. Mr. Swedish Guy

    Mr. Swedish Guy New Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    I wasn't talking about the US. I was using voting and draft as examples of priviledges and obligations, simply to point out that it's unfair to give one part of the population all the priviledgas while exempting them from the obligations the rest of the populations suffer from.
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