All of that is stuff you percolated in your own mind. Nobody's sexuality has anything to do with their political leanings, lack thereof or anything else other than their sex life and, as long as it's all consenting adults, it's nobody's business but theirs. Trying to spin that into some gay conspiracy is non-productive and quite sad.
Are you equally amenable to being interrogated and having your sex life probed with reckless abandon and people using that information to deny you employment, housing, insurance, power of attorney of financial, end-of-life decisions and other advantages that legally married heterosexual couples are freely granted? If so, then, sure, let's make a plan, but my educated guess is you will raise holy hell about someone getting up close and personal about your PRIVATE sexual, consensual contacts that have absolutely NOTHING to do with your education, skills, training, experience, talents and/or political affiliations and/or leanings. Prove me wrong. Champion your position for everyone starting with yourself.
Lol!!!! We are trying to ascertain whether the 1/6 "insurrection" your side says was worse than 911 was orchestrated by left wing homosexuals masquerading as pro trump activists. Your spazz here speaks volumes about whether such an "audit" bothers you..... You have known all along....
I'm guilty of clicking on this thread because it so resembles a train wreck in process. I really don't care if he's gay. Most people don't really care if he's gay. You need a better hobby than what you apparently currently have.
1. There is no reason to compare those events so that's a non-starter (and silly). 2. Let's say, for argument sake, that ALL the people arrested for their roles in the Capitol riot. So what? You people are the only one that wants the law applied differently based on the melanin in one's skin and/or their sexuality. 3. I'm the "spazz"? That's funny. I'm one of the calmest people on the planet.
Um, not exactly. It is the democrat party obsessed with discriminating on the basis of skin color Slavery Segregation Affirmative action The one thing the democrat party has NEVER supported is equality. As for the fascist gay left's obsession with hate hoaxes, Jussie has been big time pals with Barack, Kamala, and Michael Robinson....
Proud boys is another that needs an audit. They all need audits. The ringleaders of the 1/6 crowd all reported directly or indirectly to the Community HATE HOAX organizer
It scared the living day lights out of you, which is why you felt it was necessary to attack it... WHY THE FEAR????
Nothing scared 'the living daylights' out of me, your imagination is working overtime. Fear is a useless emotion for most things. It produces nothing. And as one author said, 'Fear kills'. Perhaps stop drinking the Red Bull with Espresso kickers, eh?
So, you have no problem auditing the 1/6 crowd for being gay, right? And if and when it comes out that 100+ are gay, you will claim that proves nothing and they are all authentic conservative trump supporters.... Lol....
If you want to spend your time examining the sexual practices of any group, I say have at it. Your audit, you pay for it. You do know, I hope, that not all Gays are Democrats? Not Democrats are Gay, not all Republicans are Gay, not all Independents are Gay. Your point, whatever it may be, really isn't making it. As I previously noted, I don't care if someone is Gay or Heterosexual. Consenting adults and all that. But apparently, it IS a fixation in your head.
Slavery, Segregation, Affirmation Action were all championed by the Republican party. The parties switched positions over the years since this country was founded so the only thing you people like to shout out is that "party" did those things. It was the Republican party. Once you take off your blinders, take a look at the Republican party now. It's not rocket science. Racism still exists and it's very, very strong. No, people can't "legally" lynch people with more melanin but they can deny them employment, housing, loans, leases, raises, promotions, pay them less for the same job that "less melanin" people get paid, etc.. You people like to throw out these things as hoaxes so you can live in a world where discrimination happens every day and you can say everybody is lying and making it up. However, none of that is on topic. I asked you why auditing Capitol rioters' sexuality has any bearing on their culpability in what happened that day?
I truly hope you aren't taking this person seriously. While I disagree with a number of things you've put forth in this post, you are intelligent. Don't drop to his level.
Of course not. However, others will come along in the future and read this topic and wonder why he (or she or <whatever>) was not called to task to back up his proposal. The mere fact that he can't or won't pretty much seals his fate on the credibility question, no? Thanks for the compliment. It is a mutual regard.
Lol... So your position is that even if there are many many homosexuals in the 1/6 crowd, they are all authentic trump supporters... And we should not check that, because it is inconsistent with your narrative.... What a load of BS, right up there with saying the GOP was for slavery. You folks KNOW and you HATE HATE HATE the thought of the truth coming out... And that is why you post here....
He does fit the profile of someone who is homosexual, as child molestation if a big part of homosexuality. Are you not aware that Donald Trump is a rainbow flag waver and has been for decades? Are you not aware that many of his followers are as well? Trump brought many libertarians into the Republican Party and has openly embraced homosexuality, so don't go acting like the homosexuals that support Trump are "plants".
You have no clue what my position is, which is obvious by your attempt to twist basic statements. You apparently can't read and comprehend what someone actually posts. Your words and assumptions, are not mine, so kindly refrain from acting like they are. I don't care if someone is gay or heterosexual, or anything else. I don't care if someone in the 1/6 crowd was gay, heterosexual or anything else. I have no idea who 'you folks' are, and I do not use the word hate, much less capitalized. Those who participated in 1/6 were idiots, IMO. There, you have an actual opinion stated by me.
One of the q-anon leaders is a convicted child mosleter (of boys). Jacob chansley and perhaps all of the q-anon leaders are left wing homosexual frauds pretending to be conservative trump supporters. The entire organization is a fraud aimed at hate hoaxing. Yes trump has been a hotel and casino owner who welcomes and serves homosexuals like other guests. The claim that these homosexuals who are closeted on that issue are really authentic trump conservatives is absolutely laughable, but it is fun to see the left wing homosexuals here immediately claim. Well, THEY ARE GAY but but but they really are conservative trump republicans and not left wing activists masquerading and hate hoaxing...l
The real evidence is called an FBI file. Why don't you join me in demanding the public release of all 1/6er FBI files????? Why would you fear such release of TRUTH.....