I posted an unedited version of my reply post # 149. The edited version (below) ; In fact that (disrupting space time and the time line of our universe) is a consideration and a problem (paradox) of ‘backwards’ time dilation (travel) I will call time dilation time travel for ease of reading etc in this thread. All things about reverse time travel are unknowns, and even the question of is it possible are all ‘unknowns’. The problem ie the paradox of backward time travel changing the universes time line therefore destroying (our) time line (and us) is called the grandfather paradox. However various solutions to the grandfather paradox have been suggested, none very plausible especially if you are a fan of classical physics (vs. have a paradigm of quantum physics). reva
You have a way with words, pity they're all sh1t, we all have our opinions, mine are based on science and my 30 years as a professional scientist. What are your comments based on, reading comic books? Look at atomic theory, based on early atomic theory around the end of the 18th century we came up with the law of conservation of mass, law of definite proportions, then John Dalton develops a new theory and developed the law of multiple proportions. In 1808, Dalton published his book, A New System of Chemical Philosophy. Then towards the end of the 1800's, Thompson developed the plumb pudding theory. Thomson believed that the corpuscles emerged from the molecules of gas around the cathode. He thus concluded that atoms were divisible, and that the corpuscles were their building blocks. To explain the overall neutral charge of the atom, he proposed that the corpuscles were distributed in a uniform sea of positive charge; this was the plum pudding model[12] as the electrons were embedded in the positive charge like plums in a plum pudding (although in Thomson's model they were not stationary). I suppose our mate Chad2 (wow is there a Chad1??) would have called Ernest Rutherford, a quack too, for he, a former student of Thompson, whilst trying to prove the theory right, actually proved it wrong and developed our current model of the atom, note I said CURRENT, I'm not as stupid or arrogant as Chad2 to think we know it all, or have all the answers,that in the future (whether we travel there by normal means ... waiting, travel there by time dilation or get zapped there by some tardis) that we will not be as amused by our current theory as we are by the earlier theories, like the plum pudding theory. Chad2, by all means throw in your 2 cents worth, but do not belittle others who you do not agree with, you just prove yourself to be an arse.
I suppose everyone agrees with my comments because there have been no substantive rebuttals etc, so my work is done here and I am saying bye. BTW, the slimeball comments and other insults most intended for 'other members' and the silence when I post a comment or reply that contains real science is an indication of this thread being about something other than science. Mostly its trolling and argument for arguments sake. Typical stuff in the political sections but I did not expect it here. reva~
Would you say that time expands according to distance from event, or is it merely that it takes longer for time to elapse the further away from an event one is? In other words, does a minute still take sixty seconds to complete, or does it take longer? ... or is it merely a question of perception? What if instead of time moving relative to man, it was man who was moving relative to time, and essentially time is standing still?
We know that time travel to the future is possible, as proven by the Theory of Relativity. It's just time travel to the past that proves tricky. When you are at a standstill, you travel through time at the speed of light from a stationary observer's point of view. As you move through space quicker and quicker, the slower you travel through time to a stationary observer (or, at least, to someone moving more slowly than you). So not only would time onboard your spaceship appear to be going slower to any stationary observer (or any observer going slower than you) who looked through the window into your spaceship, but it's also the case that if you looked out of the window of your spaceship time outside the spaceship would also appear to go slower from your perspective. But the person onboard the spaceship will still time travel into the future, and he will still do so at a faster rate the faster he travels. This is due to the fact that time is stretched by factor 7 at approximately 99% of the speed of light, which means that in the space traveller’s reference frame, one year is equivalent to seven years on Earth. Of course, this effect is lessened the slower you go. So, when you step out of your spaceship, it could well be that just half an hour has gone by in your spaceship from your point of view, but 100 years have gone by on Earth. That's because space and time are linked. It's called spacetime. In other words, if you are at a standstill, you move through time at the speed of light from the point of view of a stationary observer. If you travel at half the speed of light, then a stationary observer would perceive you as travelling through time at half the speed of light, and so on and so on. Imagine space-time as a scale of 1-100, and if you increase one to, say, 40, the other has to go down to 60, etc etc (or it works similar to that, at least). This means that if you travel at the speed of light, you would have ceased travelling through time at all. Which means that if you travelled at the speed of light, you would (in your perspective) get anywhere instantaneously (because 100% speed = no time). For example, the Sun is eight light minutes away from Earth, so it is commonly thought that if you were able to travel on a spaceship at the speed of light your journey from Earth to the Sun would take you eight minutes. But for you it wouldn't. To you on the spaceship the journey would actually be instantaneous. To you it would take NO TIME at all to get from Earth to the Sun at the speed of light. However, to the people watching your progress on Earth, it would appear to them that the journey has taken eight minutes. It's all relative. That's because, if you are stationary, you travel through time at the speed of light. But if you are going at the speed of light, you don't experience time at all. There is no time. The best way to imagine this effect is to imagine that you are on a train and you have a clock. Attached to the side of the clock is two mirrors facing each other. Imagine there is a photon of light bouncing from one mirror to the other (for the sake of convenience imagine you can see this photon of light) and the photon hits a mirror once every second, causing the second hand to move forward one second, every second as normal. You on the train would see this photon bouncing up and down and hitting a mirror once every second. So, to you, time is passing as normal. Then imagine that your train goes at high speed through a station. There is a man on the station platform and, as your train passes from left to right from his point of view, he sees you through the window of the train holding your clock. He, however, would see the clock and its two mirrors moving from left to right with the train. He would also see the photon not moving just up and down but also moving left to right at the same time - to him it would be a zig-zagging motion that it's making. So he would see the photon hitting one mirror but then he would notice that by the time it hits the next mirror that mirror has moved several feet to the right by the time the photon hits it. So, to him, the photon has to travel a further distance through the air for it to hit that next mirror to make the clock advance a second. He notices that it takes three seconds for it to travel this extra distance to make the second hand of the clock tick one second. So this means that whilst a second has just gone by for you on the train, the guy looking at you through the window would actually have perceived that one second for you as three seconds from his perspective. You don't have to travel in spaceship of course to travel into the future. Even walking down the street does it, but it's imperceptible. Highly accurate atomic clocks onboard aircraft have proven the theory.
Time isn't a man made concept. The only thing that's man made is the means of measuring it. Humans didn't invent height or length, but they invented the means of measuring them (inches, feet, yards, etc). Likewise humans didn't invent time. We just invented the means of measuring it (seconds, minutes, hours, years, etc). Time is not just a construct of the human mind. It actually exists. It's known as the fourth dimension to scientists. The fact is that time and space and linked. Have you never heard of spacetime? The two cancel each other out, so the more you move through space the less you move through time, and vice versa. When you are still, you move through time at the speed of light. When you travel at the speed of light you will have no time and get to your destination instantaneously.
Travelling through the past is a very enjoyable pursuit. Know history and you can stroll through time. It's possible not only to relive those great moments, but to understand the exigencies of daily life. Travelling through the future merely requires an imagination and an understanding of human nature.
"OBAMA'S SPEECH TO A CROWD THE DAY AFTER SANDY SWEPT THRU. Americans have suffered a real tragedy, and it affects ALL AMERICANS, and we will not finish helping here until everyone has been helped, we will leave no American behind..... unless you are in Benghazi. ITS a win/win for republicans, Obama is going down on Nov 7th, and if by some miracle she doesnt, Benghazi will take him down and be his legacy. And for a triple triple, Hillary is going to be roasted on this also." Okay, you are not only wrong, but you are major wrong. Benghazi, truthers, birthers, and Gaters, you are crazy. Obama isn't perfect, he isn't even close to the ideal. But to say that he is the devil is to denigrate our way of life. He is our elected fool, get over it. Whatever new world order fantasies that you have, keep it in your pants. Skull and bones, Clinton, Bush, and James McDougal, damn the press. It is your insanity that perpetrates this crap. Thank you, I am done now.
"time" is merely the perception of its passage. Has the number of seasons changed in the past say 5000 years? Has the sun taken a different course across the sky? Has the dawn switched places with the evening? Has the passage of the day altered from 24 hours? Or an hour from 60 minutes? Nope But,... do you not chamge your position / location an infinate number of times throughout the day and night? Another way to think of it... Does the earth revolve around the sun or the sun around the earth? In order for "time" to be moving the sun would have to be revolving around the earth and the earth stationary. "Time" changes in appearance, hence the changes of the seasons, the change between night and day, high tide and low tide, but it in and of itself is stationary. Consider, will the ruins of the ancient city of Rome ever "move" from their current location, barring earthquakes etc.? No. They are stationary. However, they are in motion because the earth in which they are embedded is revoling on its axis and orbiting the sun at the same time. STOP that orbit and rotation! Does the day continue to "pass" ? Your watch would continue to function because it functions independently of the earth's movement, but does the "passage" of the day, week, month, year, continue if the earth's rotation and orbit ceases? No. But,... it DOES continue to EXPAND. In other words, the duration of the day 'time' becomes l o n g e r on the 'sunside' of the planet as does the duration of the night on the dark side of the planet. Lets say the earth's motion stopped at 12 noon, and your watch stopped at that same moment. As long as the earth remains motionless it will CONTINUE to BE 12 noon. Your watch will continue to read 12 noon until it is restarted. YOU and everyone else on the earth's surface will continue to move from on location to the other or from one position to another.... but the perception of the "passage" of the day would cease. That's why I said, "time" is merely the perception of its passage. Man moves Through time, not time Throufgh man. The scenery changes, the environment changes, but "time" remains motionless. The dimension man calls "time" DOES expand over distance, but it in and of itself does not possess motion or the "ability" to do move. That is not to say it cannot be manipulated... but that is for another generation, not this one.
Sort of but not exactly. It is impossible to move through time in any direction. Even while we sit here aging, we are not moving forward in time. It's also impossible to move about in space or change our position in space, even while we drive in our cars. There's simply no such thing as space. There's no such thing as time. There is only a thing called space/time. We can only move through that. And we all move through it at the exact same speed, that's you, me, and a beam of light. That is c. We all go through space/time at c and only our direction varies. "time" is merely a concept we invented in order to make sense of only one particular aspect of "space/time" but time is not something separate, nor is space. It's not an easy thing to get your head around.
Perhaps time is in the shape of a donut; there is no real forward or backward. In that case, Homer Simpson is God.