It Always Starts with the Jews.

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Zorro, Apr 23, 2024.

  1. Grau

    Grau Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 1, 2015
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  2. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    LIFE IN THE WORLD THAT TOO MANY DEMOCRATS WANT: NYC Jewish family pummeled at 5th-grade commencement by attendees shouting ‘Free Palestine.’

    'Guilty' of being Jewish in public.

    'A Jewish mom and her husband were attacked and beaten at a Brooklyn elementary school graduation by an Arabic-speaking family — who taunted them with shouts of “Free Palestine!” “Gaza is Ours!” and “Death to Israel!” she told The Post.'

    'The mayhem erupted at PS 682 in Gravesend just after the school’s fifth-grade graduation — which was themed, ironically, “All you need is love.”'

    All You Need Is Love was the graduation theme.

    'Instead, the Jewish woman’s husband was thrown to the ground by members of the other family. One man put him in a chokehold, he said. Others grabbed his legs as they kicked and punched him. One woman repeatedly whacked him with the sharp heel of a black stiletto, the mom told police.'

    '“They targeted my family because we are Jewish,” said the mother, whose 10-year-old twins witnessed the assaults.'

    'The Jewish mom, Lana, and her husband Johan, a Dominican who is Catholic, recounted their horrific experience to The Post in frustration because the NYPD did not classify the incident as a hate crime.'
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2024
  3. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    THE ENEMY WITHIN: ‘Turning Classrooms Into Arenas Of Radicalism’: Teachers Union Tasks Anti-Israel Activist To Create Curriculum About Israel. “The Director of Training & Professional Learning for the Massachusetts Teachers Association, Ricardo Rosa, has a record of disseminating anti-American and anti-Israel rhetoric. He referred to the United States as a ‘settler colony,’ glorified Leila Khaled, a terrorist who hijacked a plane, supported a professor who labeled Zionists ‘swine,’ encouraged protests in Jewish neighborhoods, and advocated for a ‘Free Palestine in the immediate days after the October 7 massacre by Hamas on civilians in southern Israel.”

    Radical hater and rape murder apologist.

    “He posted ‘Free Palestine’ on October 9, before Israel even responded to the Hamas’ massacre of Israeli civilians,” Finkielsztein told The Daily Wire. “I think it’s concerning that the MTA is employing someone who is so committed to a political agenda against the world’s only Jewish state.”

    'Some Hamas terrorists were still in southern Israel at the time of his Instagram post.'
  4. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    Visibly Angry Kamala Harris Lashes Out At Israel After Netanyahu Meeting.

    'she was visibly angry. She laid out a distorted picture of what is happening in Gaza — the claims of famine and starvation have been widely debunked. Her focus was not on the unrelenting campaign to destroy Israel, but the result of Israel defending herself. She paid lip service to Israel being able to defend itself, but angrily demanded that Netanyahu get a hostage deal done, even though he and Israel have not been the problem This was a completely one-sided narrative of the conflict, that you would expect from a captive of the far left.'

    She's filled with hate.

    'Harris isn’t wrong to say people have suffered in Gaza. She’s wrong to blame Israel for that suffering instead of reminding the world who’s to blame: Hamas. She echoes Hamas propaganda and condemns the democracy fighting a brutal terrorist group. It shows a broken moral compass.'

    Shameful sums it up.

    'Harris shamefully aims her vitriol towards Israel and not Hamas - where it belongs.'

    Few are fooled.


    Blinded by hate


  5. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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