It's Nelson Mandella's Birthday today -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thousands of (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)s were gathered in Johanisberg today to celebrate Nelson Mandella's birthday. To brighten up festivities several tire necklaces were placed around the necks of several Boers. There were evil blonde haired girls provided for the celebrators to gangrape before they would be cut to pieces and fed to the hungry crowd. Cnn had Bill Clinton tell how pleased he was with the ceremony. Bill clinton expressed much gratitude in the interest Nelson Mandela has in his daughter Chelsie, saying that Nelson always wants to talk to her whenever he and Bill are discussing his plans to murder rape and pillage the remaining whites in his country. Bill Clinton really wants to introduce Chelsie to the black community and hopes that she will be of service in providing the (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)s another white girl to drule and lust over. Cnn then reiterated about the day they let it out of it's cage so it could be their leader in taking over the formerly evil white regime. Now South Africa brags about having the highest murder rate in the world along with the best failure in maintenence of the former well run efficient infrastructure of the evil white regime. This is more in line with the African culture and will lead to plenty of gib me dats from the UN. The jewish gold mine owners still enjoy big profits from the gold mines so everything is fine with trhem. Not only do they get to inspire the white genocide but can also encourage their stupid (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) slaves to blame everything on White farmers. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lets hear from this great black leader admired by the entire crew at Fox News CNN and all other jewsmedia neworks. Yes even Rush limbaugh and the other right wing talkshow hosts admire this great man. Mandela: Speaking to reporters after singing to kill whites
white genocide in South Afica Yes only a jew like youself would say that. while it is the Jews who own the goldmines and jews made up 85% of slaveowers in the south. It was jew carpetbaggers who instigated the civil war and cleaned up afterwords buying up the plantations and cotton for pennies on the dollar afterwords. Jews Took Over South Africa South Africa has its politics, just like any other country. The big issues were diamonds, gold and race. Various peoples have moved in, moved out or coexisted more or often less comfortably. Later the issue of race was used by Jews to take over. But first they took over the diamond and gold production. They were the sources of serious money. Oppenheimer took control of the diamond mining. Joe Slovo, a Jew from Latvia and other Jews took over the South African Communist Party. They also controlled or at the very least were very influential in the African National Congress [ ANC ], a black organisation which they used to incite black hatred of Brit and Boer but NOT Jew. Having used real and imaginary grievances against the Boers and their Apartheid policy in particular they moved on to guerrilla operations, terrorism as well as industrial sabotage and economic attack. The government captured a number of the leaders at Rivonia. Others went on the run. Slovo spent time in London and when he was there was in contact with other Jews. They used the BBC and other media operations like the Guardian to cause an economic boycott of South African produce of all sorts except South African diamonds and gold. Oppenheimer sent the diamonds went to Israel or Amsterdam to be cut so the origin was lost to the buyer. Public sources do not tell us how much contact there was between Oppenheimer, the Jewish big business man, who controlled diamond mining and the Jewish communists. They certainly knew about each other. The subversives needed money to pay for operations and living expenses. Oppenheimer wanted to be able to carry on mining and using blacks. An accommodation would have made sense to both of them. Jewish treachery is par for the course. Ditto for secrecy. The National Party [ Boer ] ruled until 1994 when, weakened by economic sabotage, guerrilla attacks, media abuse and international political disfavour they allowed elections and lost to the ANC. This was hailed by the media as a major triumph, which it was for the Jews. It has also made a lot of money for the new in-crowd. It has also got the crime industry into a major up turn. Blacks were not the winners. See what is being done in Africa amid a wave of media indifference at Conservation In Zimbabwe or at Wonderful Multicultural South Africa Results at the end of the day:- Boers screwed. Brits screwed. Blacks screwed. Jews rich and getting richer. NB There are decent Jews but they do not start wars or take over countries. One of them is in this essay defending Adolf by comparing his track record which is so much nicer than the Jewish efforts in Russia as Bolsheviks - Jews and Communism the South African experience Here are some notes with sources on the players. The main source used is the Wikipedia which is very accessible, set up Jews, controlled by a Jew and very dependable on one point. It will not tell lies against Jewish interests. It makes sense to start with the South African Communist Party. South African Communist Party It was founded in 1921, a few years after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. It caused and used industrial unrest in the mines. When Jews took control of the mines this was no longer wanted. The SACP later started recruiting natives in order to incite disaffection among them. The original leadership was not much interested in the blacks and may well have been largely Jewish like the original Bolsheviks. Unrest in the mines was one issue. Unrest among rural blacks was another. It caused problems for farmers, Brit and Boer, not Jews. The SACP colluded with the African National Congress [ ANC ] and the Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU). The ANC in particular was very much a black organization and therefore useful for manipulating the natives. Joe Slovo was a Jew from Lithuania. He joined the SACP in 1942 and became the general secretary from 1984 until 1991. He was one of the founders of Umkhonto we Sizwe in 1961. It was the military arm of the ANC and the SACP.