I have yet to go to the first page of this forum and find more insults from the Left than form the Right. Again this is not about sides, nor if I wish to count them. If you want to stop the insults do it, but I don't accept that Carrey went overboard here and it is something unusual when it is done for too often from the Right.
Do you think it right to make fun of a man like Heston's man hood? It's one thing to complain about what he stands for, but that wasn't right or necessary. Had nothing to do with his position on guns.
Actually it does, since it's been proven that men with tiny dicks tend to love big guns and flashy cars. By that measure, Heston may have actually been a woman in drag.
To the bedwetting left it does. You dont know how many time I hear the same bullchit, "oh, you are just compensating for a small d1ck" in reference to my gun ownership. Or in reference to my lifted pick ups. Its just another way to say they are fearful of guns and would rather be a victim than be armed and ready to defend thier home and family. Carrey had the right to make his stupid vid, but trust me. The more it is seen, the more it will hurt his carreer.
First I love Heston, great actor and a good man all around. However I think JC is using Heston metaphorically to target people who are alive and really has very little to do with any one person.
Proven? Really, and just what research have you done surfer boy, on other mens dick size? At least Heston was man enough to serve his country. Carrey, not so much.
That's really ironic, coming from people with giant phallic looking surfboards between their legs in their avatars.
Hmmm. So you point out I didn't directly address the topic. Then when I did and challenged you to do the same, you tuck tail between legs and Cut & Run. Predictable. Here was the response you waited two pages to avoid: Ah. Deflection. Okay I guess I should directly address the post. I think anyone who steps into public politics is open game for comedy and ridicule. The gal that Limbaugh attacked? She knew what she was getting into when she stepped into the limelight. Of course, that was MUCH lower than the gun thing but guess what? BOTH knew they were going to be subjected to ridicule. So junior, that's what it's like to directly address a subject. So how did you feel about the ridicule of the gal by Rush Limbaugh & Glenn Beck? Your answer? "Run away! Run away! A direct answer is required!" Knew it.
Those zany tinseltown types! Next thing you know, Robin Williams will be disrespecting the late Fatty Arbuckle. Oh, well. All in fun.
Not true, I said he has a right to do his stupid video. But I have a right to never pay a dime to see one of his stupid movies or buy anything he has anything to do with.