Jim Jordan Is A Man of Integrity Being Railroaded With Factless Allegations When I read the actual stories under those headlines, my reaction turned from dread to outrage. Jordan isn’t being accused; he’s being railroaded. By Jim DeMint 7/10/18 Like many Americans, when I saw last week’s headlines about my friend, U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), I couldn’t believe them. The accusations did not describe the man of character and courage I’ve known for more than a decade. When I read the actual stories under those headlines, my reaction turned from dread to outrage. Jordan isn’t being accused; he’s being railroaded. Jordan, as you may know, was a two-time NCAA Division I national champion wrestler. After graduating from college, he became an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University, from 1986 to 1994. This was during the decades-long career of the now deceased OSU doctor Richard Strauss, who has now been accused of sexual abuse by former OSU athletes. The university just launched an investigation in April of the claims that date back three decades. ~Snip~ People like Jim spend a lifetime developing a reputation of honesty and integrity, yet irresponsible media try to destroy that reputation with one misleading story. This is what makes it difficult to attract men and women of character and conviction to political office. In the case of Jordan, the facts are already telling a different story than the headlines. Source: http://thefederalist.com/2018/07/10/jim-jordan-man-integrity-railroaded-factless-allegations/ ~~~~~~ Simply, the Deep State does not want Jim Jordan to become Speaker of the House. What better way to accomplish their goal but to use a smear that is hard to confirm. This has been all too predictable. Make up some juicy dirt and push it out there Harry Reid style. Hit the biggest players. Ties the oppositions feet together and at the same time curbs the scandal they are trying to sweep under the rug. Perfect! Hah!!! Any collegiate wrestler who claims that he was molested by a team doctor and didn't pummel the crap out of the guy should retroactively lose his wrestling scholarship and pay all that money back to the school. Ask yourselves the following: Were these really male wrestlers, or were they female figure skaters? Hmm.....? This coming from the same law firm (Perkins-Coie) that brought us the Trump "Dossier." They're still at it. It doesn't take a blind man to know he isn't walking near the Fulton Fish Market when he greets the working girls.
Jim Jordan explained on Thursday or maybe it was Friday last week that his relative { a cousin or nephew or uncle } died right around the same time these allegations made news. I think the relative died in a car crash.It might have been on the 4th or the night before.So Jim was in grieving when he gave that Interview to Bret Baier last week.
Most of the former wrestlers support Jordan's view of events. So yes, some are Democrats and the accusations seem to be spurious. They refused to go along with the hit job story and have been backing him up in the news. If they were all Democrats they would have all gone along with the plan to trash him. The funniest part is the Democrats aren't even behind this. Jim Jordan has dared to go after the Progressive Democrat thugs, presto, up pops these spurious claims. It's like the Judge Moore dust up. Women came out of the wood work like roaches accusing him. As soon as the election was over they scattered. Obviously the accusers made a few bucks for their efforts thanks to the DNC, Gloria Allred and her daughter. Notice how the Stormy Daniels thing has fizzled out.
I just get a kick out of the tactics of the left these days... It's like "hey, I know the last president may have actually sorted coke off of the weiner of a limo driver, but look over there...." And of course the obedient media have now taken up the smear. Notice that the conversation has changed from "inappropriate behavior" to now "sexual assault" even though nothing exists in facts to support it? And of course, you couldn't find two more genial litigates here, both felons, convicted and otherwise represented by... wait for it... the same firm that was instrumental in producing the Steele dossier.. I mean, who could have predicted this?
I haven't forgotten the Judge Moore disgrace. Talk about interfering and influencing an election. Was that signature EVER proven?
When 7 or 8 people make the same accusation, then the accusation has teeth and should be fully investigated. The way he hammered the assistant attorneys general was shameful and showed me that he has no integrity. The attorney general is indeed a person of integrity who is loyal to his country and not Trump. Jordan is loyal to Trump. All the chief investigators are Republicans. Ohio State will investigate the accusations as they should.