"Kasich blasted past methods of battling the state budget deficit, which he claimed included tricks and gimmicks, relied heavily on one-time federal stimulus dollars to fill the budget gap, and created a massive shortfall as well as increased unemployment. John Kasich exaggerated the state of Ohio's budget deficit, then filled the smaller deficit with "one-time" sales of public prisons and state liquor rights. This is the man Republicans picked to rebut Obama last week?
He also went head to head with the Casinos and forced them to pay higher taxes than the DEMOCRATS initially offered them in the original deal and told them they can pay the higher taxes or take a hike and not open up in the State. The man has been a solid conservative leader and if the Northern Ohio Dems outnumber the Southern Ohio Republicans, I guess we'll find out in 2012 won't we? The way I see it is, we're either going to adopt a more Laissez Faire society, or we'll make this society so unlivable that liberals will flee to Canada, Mexico, or Europe where they can "lead a better life" free of Conservative "tyranny". America is for Conservatives, liberals have an entire globe to screw up, just go away.
Wait wait wait...in the first section of your response, you advocate for more taxes. In the second part of your post, you advocate for a Laissez Faire government. What kind of twisted cognitive dissonance do you have inside your head that allows you to be a proponent for BOTH of those policies?
You know I wish people would start understanding this thing that is ever present in all things in society and politics. NUANCE. That means, you may support something lke taxing the (*)(*)(*)(*) out of what you consider to be a corrupting vice peddler(Casinos) while at the same time considering the needs of regular businesses to not be messed with through extensive Government over regulation. Quit seeking a "one size fits all". There isn't one.
As a Repubican, I would have thought he would have lowered taxes to increase revenue. Raising taxes would just kill jobs?????
Rofl, so now we have two categories of business: "Regular business" and "other business." Does the right really claim you on their side?
Casinos were never a popular idea in Ohio to begin with, we only passed a law legalizing them in specific circumstances a couple years ago and it's been an argument with the Casinos ever since. They said they would bring jobs, then said that no one in Ohio was experienced so they needed to contract most of their employees from out of state. They said they would pay taxes, but Strickland gave them such a sweet heart deal that they would've paid lower taxes than any other casinos in any of the states surrounding ours. They have made outrageous demands of local officials, demanding resources and infrastructure be built just to support them, as if they are the crowning jewel of the city rather than the truth: A barely tolerated social ill that MIGHT bring in some extra revenue. I don't understand how this conflicts with anything Conservative? Unless you define "Conservative" as Ron Paul as opposed to Ron Reagan.
The casino bill passed a voter referendum. How can you say it's not popular in Ohio? There's no question that the casinos will bring in extra revenue and jobs, which is WHY they're popular. Legislating morality is pathetic, and your hypocrisy in terms of tax rates for businesses you like and business you don't is (*)(*)(*)(*)ing, and makes you look like a fool.
It barely passed a referendum after years and years of trying. You bang your head against the wall enough times, something is gonna give. I'm so sick of hearing about this "morality" crap. You can stick your head in the sand and pretend there are no negative externalities to vice but I've worked in the Casino industry and I know from firsthand experience how it can be as addictive as any drug and destroy whole families as sure as alcoholism or heroin addiction. Been there, seen it, don't support it. Sorry. It's not about morality, it's about protecting society from those who have no self control. Ya know what pisses me off? People accusing other people of having petty motivations for why they feel the way they do. Like people just get off on telling other people not to do something. Like Americans like forcing other Americans not to do things they enjoy. There are serious socially destructive elements in gambling, drugs and prostitution. Serious social problems with a host of social costs that often exceed that of prohibition. Complain all you want, I don't personally care.
You are very corect, SiliconMagician. Especially when you say, "we're either going to adopt a more Laissez Faire society, or we'll make this society so unlivable that liberals will flee to Canada, Mexico, or Europe where they can "lead a better life" free of Conservative tyranny." Mr. President, 408,000 more Americas are out of work this week than last week and our core inflation rate has unexpectedly risen to 2.0%. Why are you going on vacation? Please, please stay in Washington and work on our economy!
Kasich brought the State around.He did it the old fashioned way. Kasich knows budgets as does Ron Portman.Both men do the state proud. I heard whiny former Governor Strickland on the - The Ed Show - and he sounded little prissy pre-teen schoolgorl who had her ponytail pulled in class.Like Sherrod Brown both men were ruinous and malfeseant with their State.Typical brash Liberal losers willing to lie like thieves in order to stay in office another month,week or days. However Kasich may have been wrong to play Super Hardball with Big Labor { Unions }.He said back in Feburary and March he wasn't about to sit down with Organized Unions and talk turkey.Well,those dirty Union thugs did what they did in Wisconsin and got their petitions and signature for their recalls and kasich was forced to sit down with them. However,the other day,Kasich who called a meeting at the Governor's house was left sitting alone.I think the Unions said they would meet with him. Well they didn't.They purposedly failed to show up at that meeting. I think they did it to Kasich to make him look silly and send their message.
You are very corect, SiliconMagician. Especially when you say, "we're either going to adopt a more Laissez Faire society, or we'll make this society so unlivable that liberals will flee to Canada, Mexico, or Europe where they can "lead a better life" free of Conservative tyranny." "Now even liberals are trying to put their finger on what is wrong with President Barack Obama. Does he lack leadership abilities or competence? Is he arrogant and out of touch with America? Is he a pleaser first and foremost, rather than someone who cares about getting the job done? Does he not understand how the economy works? Yes, we can! has devolved into Hey, we might, Maureen Dowd wrote in The New York Times." Most of us just wish he would stay at his work station long enough to come up with a credible and workable plan to solve our lingering economic problems. Mr. President, 408,000 more Americas are out of work this week than last week and our core inflation rate has unexpectedly risen to 2.0%. Why are you going on vacation? Please, please stay in Washington and work on our economy!
"Well, those dirty Union thugs did what they did in Wisconsin and got their petitions and signature for their recalls and Kasich was forced to sit down with them. However, the other day, Kasich who called a meeting at the Governor's house was left sitting alone. I think the Unions said they would meet with him. Well they didn't. They purposedly failed to show up at that meeting." The old John Kennedy-style progressives vs. the new Howard Dean-style progressives. The attitude of public employee unions in 1961 and the attitude of these unions today.
So you ARE a big government supporter? "We should protect people who have no self-control, but we shouldn't protect people who are impoverished, disabled, or uneducated." Should we outlaw fatty foods, for the people who destroy their health with it? Should we outlaw video games for the people who become addicted to them? What about the individuals who spend all of their money on consumer goods because they're addicted to shopping? You are not a conservative in the slightest. You are the epitome of authoritarianism.
Kasich wants to compromise after refusing to do so when passing the legislation. Unions were fully willing to negotiate on things like benefit and pension contributions, but he wanted to gut the unions completely. Is it really surprising that the other side won't talk to him after he ignored their voices 6 months ago?