John McCain DESERVES to lose

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Phoebe Bump, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    He's way ahead in the poles and I'm not even sure who he's running against (I think her name is Kirkpatrick), but I'm going to vote for his opponent.

    I understand John McCain recently came out and un-endorsed Trump after Trump's "grab 'em by the (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)" remark, but he was still endorsing Trump even after Trump said he preferred people who are "not captured" by the N. Vietnamese. To me this says, "hey, I got no honor whatsoever, I just want to be senator".

    Agree? Disagree?

    Wtf is the matter with our electeds?
  2. Darkbane

    Darkbane Banned

    Jun 13, 2015
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    the problem is "we the people" don't hold them accountable... on both sides... "we the people" have to start doing our part, but clearly this election cycle we screwed up again on both sides...
  3. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I agree with that to an extent. Problem is, we are never given anything but "made men" to vote on in the first place. You gotta play the party game to get elected precinct chairman.
  4. Darkbane

    Darkbane Banned

    Jun 13, 2015
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    well thats because at the local election level, we never put through anyone but the political party favored hack who promises to bend over and kiss their asses if they support him... the sooner we stop supporting the candidate the political wants at the local level, the sooner those people will move up to the next level and the next level and the next level, until the day we start seeing many "independents" in the federal level government, and once they get positions of power within they will begin to appoint independent people at positions within agencies and slowly get rid of the partisan hacks who are controlling every branch of government...

    but almost nobody makes it past the local level, because the parties have vast amounts of money and they ensure nobody ever makes it past there unless they can control them and use them to their advantage... so you see, it does all fall on our shoulders, and we failed, hardcore... the sooner we realize this, the sooner we know how to address this issue, and the sooner we can begin to ensure political hacks never make it at the local level and go beyond there up the chain of power... but it still starts with "we the people" and we need to support the person who won't conform to them... but most good folks, don't want to run, because they see the lies and slander lobbed against them by the political parties, its a hard thing to overcome without the overwhelming support of the people...

    so we can do it, we just have to willfully make the choice, and sadly, it seems americans are too lazy and we want others to make choices for us... we were given a government that had the greatest power of the people, and we've chosen to give that up one decade after the other... it won't be a quick fix, it would likely take a couple generations to really do what I suggest, and thats the problems, we're now an instant gratification society, and we don't have the patience to make this change... so we'll get what we get...

    (wow thats pretty bleak hey)
  5. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Term limits would go a long way. Combine that with staggered terms of 2, 3 and 6 years so that we have a complete turnover every 12 years and nobody could become too entrenched.
  6. An Old Guy

    An Old Guy Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I do believe McCain is gonna win although the Dems are throwing money around and sending heavy hitters to Arizona. It does make me sad in a way, reading quotes from active service members saying McCain is a traitor and Trump is their guy. McCain is 5 times the man Trump could ever be, and an actual hero - just my opinion. Term limits would be something to definitely look at however, with campaign financing the way it is, it is extremely difficult for new comers. Incumbency has a huge advantage, particularly with money. Could be a discussion for another day.........
  7. Sirius Black

    Sirius Black Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2011
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    What you post here is a great example of why we have such a mess. A senator does not toe the party line and because of that he should lose. Perhaps it was honor that led him to withdraw his endorsement for Mr. Trump. Perhaps it is not honorable for people to put party first no matter what. Perhaps we all should judge candidates by their character rather than allegiance to a specific party, faction, or candidate. That might be a step in the right direction.
  8. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Yeah, McCain will win. He's pretty far up in the polls here and I agree that he is a hero. I surely would like to see a max number of years one could spend as an elected official in Washington.

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