"Jordanian militia" censored on Canadian Internet! Why?

Discussion in 'Terrorism' started by danleonida, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. danleonida

    danleonida New Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    I'm in Vancouver, Canada and some time ago I developed an interest in "Jordanian militia"

    I searched for it and was very surprised by the very low numbers of hits I was getting from all engines I tried (Yahoo, MSN, Google, Blekko, Bing, etc., etc.!) I even got nothing from the CIA website and their World Factbook!!

    I suspected Internet censoring and set out to prove it. I created and Excel file (almost 25 Mbytes which I'm willing to share/publish) in which I searched and recorded the hits (MSN, Yahoo, Google and some CIA) of almost 10k of the darnest things I could think of!

    The "Jordanian militia" came in in the first percentile when the file was sorted in the order of increasing number of hits. I used the average hit counts from MSN, Yahoo and Google for the sorting. Its average hit-count was 18. Other odd ones: Rummedin Fayziddinovich Sharpov = 19, Magnanimous and Invincible Order of Blackmen = 21, Castrators of Russia = 844 (no joke!), Togo Pogo Stick Union = 41 (still no joke!), homemade thermonuclear device = 32 (serious as before!), etc., etc. for over 9000 times.

    Of fewer than 'Jordanian militia' hits are three Guantanamo Bay alumni, one serial killer, 13 Malaysian poisons, 54 trade unions, two Christian Democratic parties, one hate group, two communist parties, six U.S. militias, four convicted ex-cult leaders, one suicide attack in Israel, two Norwegian fjords and a partridge in a pear tree! ;o)

    I would very much want to find out if searches for “Jordanian militia” are similar elsewhere in the world. So...

    If anybody reading the present post is willing to land a hand, I can be reached at danleonida-at-yahoo-dot-com, or on this forum. I started a campaign of forum posts, such as the preset one, yesterday and the results are already coming in.

    I posted in the morning on this thread: http://cycling74.com/forums/topic.php?id=37616

    My post was: http://cycling74.com/forums/topic.php?id=40296

    By early evening my post was deleted and the whole tread was shadow-filtered (could only get to the thread via my own URL. The thread was NOT in the Forum Index! I understand why they shadow-filtered the thread. Cycling74 just writes software for artists! The thread just didn’t belong there! BUT…
    Why did they have to delete mine?! :eek:(

    Please include the general location of the searches and a date, should you decide to land a hand.
    If it's not too difficult, I would appreciate screenshot of the first page of search results to the email above. (Screenshots how to: The "Print Screen/SysRq" key in the upper right hand corner of your keyboard will place the screen - pixel be pixel - on the clipboard. It can then be pasted in MS Word, Excel, or what have you.)

    Thx in advance and

    c u –dan

    P.S. The 25 Meg Excel file is clean, presentable, easy to navigate, includes screenshots of some of the “problems“’ I have encountered during the six months of work and the Excel file is Copylefted. Anybody is more that welcome to it, if desired. It even has a “Help Wanted“ tab already hyperlinked such that searches are only one click away.
  2. danleonida

    danleonida New Member

    Jun 4, 2012
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    I’m trying to start a dialogue on Internet censorship in Canada (a G8 country) on a public forum. Here’s my main body of research:

    2012.06.15…MAIN CENSORSHIP.xls

    You would have to register on 4shared.com to download the file(s), but I think it’s worth it. It is a comparative analysis of the number of hits one gets in Google, Yahoo and MSN for “Jordanian militia” versus some 9000+ other ‘things’, like all other terrorist organizations. The file also includes screenshots of some of the adventures I encountered while compiling the list.

    To aid in the verification and further study of Internet censorship, I created an MS Excel front-end to all Google and Yahoo domains listed in Wikipedia. Here’s the link:

    2012.07.25...Yahoo & Google Front-End.xls

    I would like to create a dialogue to get to the “bottom” of this “mystery”!

    I have been deleted/banned from a number of forums (including wikileaks-forum.com) after a substantial number of views:

    ZeroPaid Forum View Chart

    …but NOT before saving the threads:

    ZeroPaid Forum

    On other forums I also got a large number of views, but very few replies likely due to “high level imperatives” to have reply posts deleted by the forums and Google search results from the same forums, blocked:

    2012.06.24...Chocolate_is_delicious deleted on Zippy forum - Yahoo! Mail.mht
    2012.06.24...thought_i_won_my_game deleted on Zippy forum - yahoo! Mail.mht
    2012.07.01...honeyjasmin deleted on Zippy forum - Yahoo! Mail.mht

    ZeroPaid Forum results blocked by Google China
    ZeroPaid Forum results blocked by Google China - Zoom
    WIMI Forum results blocked by Google
    WIMI Forum results blocked by Google - Zoom

    Since I was soliciting screenshots of “Jordanian militia” searches from around the World (MAIN CENSORSHIP.xls file), Google has decided to make their search result page of all of their domains virtual “photocopies” of each other:

    Google Ascension Island
    Google Canada
    Google Madagascar
    Google Malta
    Google Mongolia
    Google Switzerland

    I am determined to get to bottom of this! If I have to move to a new forum every week to do it… Well, so be it!

    If any viewer is intrigued enough by the topic and wants to contribute and/or just follow me, here’s where I’ll keep my latest whereabouts current:

    'Cloud Nine' (4shared.com) Profile

    I can be reached by forum, email or messages left at 4shared.com.

    Looking forward to reading your prose…

    Please do disturb!
    Not disturbed enough yet!



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