Journalism 101 - How the media plays politics

Discussion in 'Political Science' started by FearandLoathing, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. FearandLoathing

    FearandLoathing Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    The above is from what I would consider a conservative outlet, The Drudge Report. Posted is about what an average North American, engaged and interested, would read, four paragraphs to the "1st tie back", the placing in historical perspective the lead and subsequent paragraphs.

    So let us pause there and see what, really, we have been told...

    In those four paragraphs we learn that a "Tea Party favorite" has been given a hero's welcome in his home state after a crusade like venture that it quotes unnamed others as saying was "reckless and futile". Balanced so far, but we never, as we read on, ever learn who says it was "reckless and futile" as we, journalisticaly should.

    Now we read on, through to the end and we have, in this professional's opinion a fairly well balanced "thumbnail" of circumstances, but we know nothing of what Mr. Cruz said in these two speeches cited. We do not learn why Mr. Cruz believes his actions will ultimately help the Republican party, which is the biggest question he raised. And we don't learn anything of what caused this support, why Texas woman are out for him or whether there were any cattlemen, oil people, teachers etc. The piece singles out Texas women only with no apparent journalistic reason.


    Ouch! Seemingly innocuous, this little sentence gets a "D" in journalism 101. It is a shot, a stab in the back and inaccurate. It might be his first public speech in his home state, but he has been very much in the public these last 16 days, more than any other congressman and the line reads like he has somehow been hiding, not doing his job when no congressman doing their job has had much time to make public speeches in the last 16 days and certainly none of them in their home state. The writer does not let us in on why it is important that this is his first speech in his home state in 16 days.

    And then, at the end, where only the real hard core news or political junkie would hang in, we have the telling blow, the last sword thrust and revelation of the writer's true colors, or at least the low depths to which journalism has sank:

    Note: His "disapproval rating" rating nationally is 36%. That really should read that his "Approval rating" has fallen 18 per cent, a little less than Obama's....which is how it would be expressed if the article were about the president.

    And that's a pro-Republican site...don't believe any single source on anything
  2. Scott

    Scott Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2008
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  3. Xanadu

    Xanadu New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Over the last hundred years everything was done to bring politics into people's minds, to socially engineer society. Not only via television media, also via newspapers, movies, internet, ads, large screens in the streets, billboards, even via blimps. Politics means that your mind is put in a war state, that you are going to resist, to fight the issues and problems. Politics has caused and is causing the organisation of soiety, and can cause a revolution (the biggest problem, because that can end freedom, and a counter revolution as well, only knowledge about what has happened since approx. the year1900 and what is going on can return a society to a civil/normal one)
  4. FearandLoathing

    FearandLoathing Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Politics did all that?

    Wait, it strikes me that politics is a lot older than that, that the Greeks had some stabbings and assassinations and such.

    Seems to me your problem isn't with politics, but media....beginning with blimps.

    Frankly, if you're a student of human psychology, the human mind does originate in a war state, our primitive response system driving everything else is "fight or flight" I have no idea what you're talking about...

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