Just have to vent frustration

Discussion in 'Immigration' started by Anders Hoveland, Jun 26, 2013.

  1. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    Immigrants cause a variety of huge problems. The insidious thing is that most of the problems caused by immigration are very subtle and not at all obvious.

    Because of immigration, your children will not find good jobs or be able to afford houses.
    The cost of immigrants today will be paid by increasing the taxes you will have to pay in the future! Take a good look at the desperate poverty and squalor they live in inside your country; this will be the fate of your children. Your government will try to make everyone's living conditions equal. Your race will soon be a minority in your own country, so it will not matter what you think about this.

    Since more than half the students in the state of California are hispanic, once the old people begin to die off, hispanics will be the majority. No doubt they will greatly increase taxes on everyone else who are not poor in the state to pay for their own education and healthcare.

    For too long the waves of immigration have served as blood fodder for the parasitic land-vampires ! as multiple immigrant families crowded in a dwelling are willing to pay more than Americans, which has caused many former residents to be displaced into neigboring states. It is not a cooincidence that all three states bordering California have seen high unemployment in the last few decades, as their populations have increased from the whites fleeing the onslught of immigrants (and the unaffordability, crime, and poor school districts that inevitably accompany their presence).

    State Unemployment Rate (official 2011):
    California 11.9%

    Arizona 9.3%
    Nevada 12.5%
    Oregon 9.6%

    Why are Mexicans a big threat?
    Between 2000 and 2010, the Hispanic population grew by 15,171,776, accounting for 56 percent of the overall overall growth in the USA. There were 50,477,594 Hispanics as of April 1, 2010. The 10-year growth rate for Hispanics was 43 percent, compared to less than 5 percent for non-Hispanics. Between 2000 to 2010, the number of Hispanic children grew by 4.8 million while the number of non-Hispanic White children shrank by 4.3 million. The fertility rate for Mexican women is about 60% higher than white women! Not only that, but mexicans have children much sooner. The average hispanic first gives birth at only 19 years of age in the USA, whereas for white women it is 27. This means that over several generations, hispanics will multiply at a rate several times that of whites. Hispanics have nearly taken over California. More than half (3.1 million) of the students in the state are Hispanic. What do you think that means about the future racial demographics?
    There are not many more years left until it is too late.

    I think society would care much more about its needy members if it was not so ethnically diverse. Much easier to care about someone else who is similar to you. As it is, the more racially diverse our countries become, the less welfare and government provided services there will be. Universal health service would be a good idea if not for all the importation of poverty from the third world. With only a few poor people, the mutual benefits to the paying members of society would outweigh the few parasites. But such a system simply cannot work with so many minorities living in wretched poverty. All that mixing of people from different countries and ethnicities cannot be undone.

    Europeans have come a long way over the last two centuries in their struggle to create decent standards of living in the countries which they inhabit. Do you really want to flush all that down the toilet by importing the poverty and low wages from the rotten countries?
    Things that we take for granted- houses, cars, hospitals- will become unaffordable luxuries, as they once were 200 years ago, and as they still are in all those third world countries sending us their unwanted masses.
    waltky and (deleted member) like this.
  2. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    IRS legalizin' illegal immigrants...
    IG: IRS Made ‘Policy Decision’ to ‘Legalize Illegal Aliens’
    July 12, 2013 --- The question of whether to legalize illegal aliens and put them on a pathway to citizenship may be the most controversial legislative issue facing the U.S. Congress this year.
    See also:

    Employer Mandate 'Incentivizes' Companies to Hire Illegal Immigrants, Avoid Low-Income Workers
    July 11, 2013 --- Obamacare's employer mandate "perversely incentivizes employers to avoid hiring low-income workers, precisely the type of workers who tend to be uninsured," a witness told a House hearing on Wednesday.
  3. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    I do not understand the "Hispanics" thing, Mestizos with American citizenship are counting as immigrants?
  4. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    If someone was actually keeping track of all the many children illegal immigrants have been having, we wouldn't have to resort to vague racial statistics to get an idea of what has been happening. If there were statistics about how many individuals were born from non-citizen parents, I would much prefer to use those.

    Maybe the Fourteenth Amendment should be modified to give those just born on American soil a different kind of citizenship than those Americans born of actual citizens. Then we could keep track of this.

    Oh yes, and by the way, I wouldn't be complaining about the whole children thing if illegal families were only having 2 children. But they're not.
    Letting in one illegal Hispanic is really like letting in 4.
    Interestingly, the legal immigrants from Mexico seem to be having much fewer children for some reason... (maybe it has something to do with personal responsibility :wink:)
  5. ThirdTerm

    ThirdTerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    America welcomed 188,000 new white immigrants in 2012, which contributed to the group's overall population growth, but the Hispanic population is expected to double by 2060, surpassing any other ethnic groups. The bright side is that this Hispanic population growth will offset the decline in native-born whites and 26% of white American will be of Hispanic origin by 2060, helping white Americans in general make up around 70% of the US population.
  6. Old School Whig

    Old School Whig New Member

    Jul 10, 2013
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    I highly doubt if the black % will be 2% higher than it is now in 2060. It will be a few % pts lower.
  7. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    See you are keeping racial nonsense statistics and not those that matter, even in freaking Greece we are keeping a record of the births illegals have ( 1/3 of the overall) .
    Social mobility always reduces birth rates , if those people get a stable and acceptable income they will stop breeding like rabbits and i bet it is also your law about "locally born" children, stop giving them citizenship and you will see what happens.
  8. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    While not completely untrue, I believe this is a progressive deflect from the issue. "Increasing standard of living" is not of itself an end-all comprehensive solution to the problem. Just because rising incomes may likely reduce birth rates a little does not mean we should not still be very much concerned.

    What I think you fail to understand is that it is high fertility rates that are the cause of poverty, not as much the other way around!

    The main reason is because black mothers are aborting so many of their children. And the African american population is still growing at a gradual rate.
    (I do not believe abortion is an optimal solution, by the way, but that is another topic, and I do not want to derail this thread)
    If the % drops, that is only because of all the other immigrants America is taking in, not to mention the much higher fertility rates of some of these groups.

    What a blatent lie! You know they matter. Perhaps you deny it because it does not fit with your ideology of 'equality', but even leftists know that race and politics are integral, for multiple reasons, and it's not merely all social construct either. I'm certainly not advocating the concept of a "race war", but there are certain types of tensions which inevitably arise. And it is certainly ridiculous to dismiss Identity politics as inconsequential.
  9. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    When Greece was a wasteland it had the 2nd birth rate in Europe , after the 60's and growth this was no longer true. You can also check statistics of Albania , families have on average 2 kids and each kid has 25-30 uncles and aunts , yes the more life is improving and people are asking more of it birth rates go down dramatically even inside 2 generations. If you are interested in historical population statistics http://www.populstat.info/ and a basic knowledge of history answers most of the questions.

    Race and politics are disconnected in all sane countries around the world including colonial ones like in Latin America and Oceania .
  10. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    If you look at the statistics for the younger generation, it paints a much different picture. Even if America completely cut off any additional immigration, and every woman was forced to have no more than 2 children, it would still be a guarantee that whites would become a minority after the older generation eventually dies off.

    Again, another lie.
    This issue has already been discussed in another thread:

    In many of the countries where they are disconnected, that is only because one racial or ethnic group makes up the vast majority, and/or where the demographic shift is relatively recent.
  11. mutmekep

    mutmekep New Member

    Apr 25, 2012
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    A lie? yes you discussed nonsense in another thread mixing cultures with races ...
    Do you know how and when assimilation works?
    What is the alternative to assimilation, killing the undesirables or start deporting your citizens ?
    This is another case of insecurity and total contempt over your culture, if you insist that it is so weak maybe it is not worth "saving" .
  12. Anders Hoveland

    Anders Hoveland Banned

    Apr 27, 2011
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    At the very least, just admit it wasn't a good idea to have your country flooded with so much immigration.

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