" Just like That ! "

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Foolardi, May 28, 2014.

  1. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Adam Carolla { comic in Hollywwood } from The Man Show et.al.
    ventures in TV Land { even a regular on O'Reilly }.
    He is not complaining,mind you that he's being forced to identify
    as a Conservative by the very folk in Hollywood who he has to often
    rely on a paycheck.Adam is Very BiG on Family.
    " Weird how taking care of your kids has become a Conservative
    Right-wing issue ". Furthermore telling the Daily Caller :
    " I believe we could fix this Country and all that ails it in one second if
    everyone literally internalized " he said. " Don't expect anybody,especially
    the government,to do anything for you. "
    Truer words have seldom been spoken of late.That is exactly the way
    I was brought up.Almost word for word.
    Which literally flies in the face of what this current bunch in our White
    House are pulling.Not just the wool over our eyes.But the very fabric
    that constitutes the once Land of Milk,Honey and Opportunity.
    It is now approaching a Police State where Bureaucrats dominate our
    very lives.From what we say to what we hear to what we wanna do to
    what we enjoy.An incremental taking over of Society thru Government.
    yes,Adam that is quite scary.
    Telling the DC ... " I'm now Conservative because I wouldn't want to be
    what the alternative is ,which is scary to me. "
    Adam ... you forget to tell us what that alternative is.
    To be or Not to be a WHAT ?
    That is the Question.
  2. TexMexChef

    TexMexChef Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    At least Dennis Miller had a fairly sucessfull career in comedy before becoming a political commentator. Adam has always been an "also ran". His now claiming to be a conservative comedian is as relevant as his "regular" comedy career.
  3. Xanadu

    Xanadu New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    A real or artificial '1984' system ('police state') in both ways will lead to resistance of more and more people (a movement of people) that believe this. It's a revolutionary system. An imaginary 'police state' can lead to a real police state.
    To stop this revolutionary process a majority should try to do the opposite of reacting and acting to police and propaganda. To not be part of a revolutionary movement, but that will be the most difficult task of a society, of people, because people have emotion.
    Control over emotion is very hard, especially when another shocking event will happen, can be all kinds of events, terror, political, weather, meteor impact, economic, internet crash, brown out or anything else that will shock society.
  4. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    I know the chances of a guy growing up in L.A. and becoming a comic
    and then turns out to be a Conservative seems more than just " weird ".
    I mean,like what are the odds.I think Jay Leno is also a Conservative.
    George Carlin said he didn't vote.Therefore he had no right to complain
    about Politicians.As far as Carlin was concerned saying all politicians Suck
    was too easy. " So maybe it's not the Politicians who Suck; maybe it's something
    else. Like the public."
    I think Carlin was on to something.
    It's the public who put this entire Country in a pickle.
  5. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    This New democrat Party is actively as I write mounting a Coup.
    A complete takevover of this Country.It is impossible to do overnight.
    Not even Hitler's { night of the long knives } put down of the SA { Storm Troopers }
    led by Ernst Rohm because he feared losing everything.Operation Hummingbird
    was Hitler's purge of his own Nazi regime.Don't forget your history.Hitler gained
    control in Germany { 1933 } by eliminating all rival political parties.Dispensing for
    the need to have a legislative body { Reichstag }. Senate leader Harry Reid
    and Chuck Schumer are scheming behind closed doors to unravel our First
    Amendment rights to political contributions.Obama just brought up the spectre
    of ... why the need for states like Wyoming to have 2 Senators.
    never before has this Country been treated with such political abomination.
    Total and complete lack of Deference as to We the People.
    It is astounding.And the Lollipop media is not reporting most of it.
    The better to have the Big Bad Wolfs scatter any Sheep.

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