" Just read the Bible and

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Foolardi, Dec 6, 2019.

  1. Foolardi

    Foolardi Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 15, 2009
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    Jesus' words will be good for you " Says the Funky Joe Blow
    Scarborough sitting erect as a robot-headed eraserman could
    next to his Made for TV Propaganda Lover and Wife Mika Emile
    Leonia Scarborough the dynamic duo who can't let a workday pass w/o
    finding fault with President Trump.What's today's fault of the week.?
    His expanding record level of appointed Federal Judges.
    So the Loonybirds at MSNBC who get a paycheck for diminishing
    everything Trump says or accomplishes about as diligently as a
    Tokyo Rose radio address during WW II.
    Because it's obviously not enough to Gossip about our duly-elected
    sitting President and his 63 million voters.Stating stuff like " Everybody
    Across the World is snickering at ... { you fill in the name } ".
    Now or this morning it's Trump's success at doing what Obama
    tried.To mount a campaign to appoint as many radical federal
    judges as humanly possible.The more the better.Thereby making it easier
    to persecute the American Middle Class as if Jesus himself was persecuted
    by the chief priests and community leaders and have arrested so they
    could kill him.This time around it will take a lot more than paying a single
    human 30 pieces of silver for the opportunity to betray.
    It will take a cable outlet or 2 { MSNBC,CNN } and entire Network {ABC,CBS,NBC }
    and the Mainstream Media along with as much propaganda as Santa gets letter
    around this time of year to knock our sitting President off his perch.
    I think even NATO members have a beef to settle with those like a
    Mika & Joe and what they're up to every weekday.
    I don't think Joe Public is about to forget the historic words of
    Predecessor Barack who said :
    " They get bitter,they cling to Guns and Religion ".
    I wonder what Makes Mika & Joe bitter.
    Or Pastor Jeremiah Wright with his " *******n America ".
    Wake up America { Gilbert Gnarly } and smell the hypocrisy.
    PittsOff { Earl Pitts }.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2019

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