Of all the GOP hissyfits, Turdblossom vs the TPs is largely festering below the radar screen, reminiscent of the destructive force of the eternal flames beneath Centralia, PA. This is the Party's plumber's crack with serious tectonic implications.
No rightwinger will admit it....though most take a side...but it is obvious- The Republican Party is in the midsts of a full-out civil war. My bet on the eventual winner?....the "Establishment" (Rove, Boehner, etc.) Why?....simple....money. Big Donors don't want to back Tea Party wackos anymore, especially after Richard Mourdock, Christine O'Donnell, Sharron Angle, etc. "No bucks, no Buck Rogers" as the line from "The Right Stuff" goes, "Whoever gets the funding, gets to the top of the pyramid." - - - Updated - - - So do most Democrats.
TP darling Ken "Cooch" Cuccinelli led the heroic fight to cover up the bare-breasted goddess on Virginia's state seal, a cause any fanatical Taliban would only be too happy to embrace. . Now that he's running for Governor, he may be thinking that it could take a soupçon of décolletage for the prostrate old TPs to get up for him. He kvetched to rightwing Newsmax.
Yes, because evolution is synonymous with destruction. It would be better if they just stagnated like the Democrats who are out of new ideas and cannot produce any meaningful results at any level of government...
Do you have the facts on this? Where did you get this information? I am curious. That is the only reason I have for wanting to know.
Obviously not true, otherwise they wouldn't be battling each every day on the House floor and in the Republican Party. There's a schism and a civil war inside the Republican Party right now, and neither side has won yet. TPers are on one side and the "establishment Republicans" (including Neo-Cons) are on the other.
1. Think about it...what's the KEY thing to Republicans...money, right? They'll cut taxes all day long....but never ONCE hold a vote on a Human Life Amendment to outright ban abortion. And who has the money? A bunch of screaming Tea Partyers who want a radical nutter as candidate......or the Big Money boys who don't like "trouble" and want some calm, cool, but Pro-Corporate guy to be the Nominee and standard-bearer? 2. True. You think a Tea Party folks holding up signs of the President dressed as an Arican witch-doctor or ones saying "Keep Your Gov't Hands Off My Medicare" are a GOOD image for the GOP to have.......I think it's a GOOD image for the GOP to have, that helps Democrats win. - - - Updated - - - My serious analysis is...the GOP is in the midsts of a civil war. You disagree?
The GOP establishment does not have enough support amongst Americans to blithely write off the TPs, even as their core of angry white guys advances toward oblivion. I expect a bifurcation with the perceived electables recruited for Senate and House races, and those who seek to impose their social agenda consigned to a local "States Rights" role. The Senate is amenable to a low-vote Republican take-over if they focus upon overwhelmingly-white, sparsely-populated states, and the more radical in Congress will still be enabled via gerrymandered districts for a while, but the evangelical jihad has no future beyond the cultural backwaters, prime TP stomping ground, a reservation to which the Party's elites will increasingly consign them.
Good cop...bad cop.. That's all it is so they can "come together' in the end to beat those dastardly liberals. It's transparent as all Hell.
There is, indeed, something of a "civil war" going on within the GOP, between Establishment Republicnas and the Tea Party (although the latter is hardly a monolith; it has many factions). Likewise, there is a similar fissure within the Democratic Party, between the hard left (as typified by President Obama and his acolytes) and center-left Democrats of a more traditional persuasion. Now, I shall ask you: Would you disagree with my assessment that your words, in post #2 of this thread, constitute mere gloating?
Turdblossom's message to the fat cats - "Bankroll my prissy elitists against those snot-nosed, zany jihadis and we'll look out for your financial interests whilst we conceal your complicity" is a slick sales pitch, but uber-lobbyist Armey didn't take the TPs for all they were worth by a long-shot. Both will pour the big bucks into destroying the other. Big Spender "Carrot Top" Adelson is one to watch. He blew a boodle last time. You've got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them.
There is a disenchantment amongst leftists who are upset by the President's affinity for the centre. It is but a fissure compared to the GOP's widening chasm. .
Rove is motivated like the majority of those in D.C.: seeking power. Criminals are very easy to predict; most are stupid and the motivation is greed.
I wonder how many idiots there are on this forum who actually think that there are no different laws for politicians than there are for citizens like us and dont think the majority of politicians in washington are evil criminals? seeing how there are many here that ignore how Obamination is no different than Bushwacker or Romney,probably about half the posters here believe that I am thinking.
amazing how some people dont get that huh? or like I said.dont get it that there is no difference between Clinton,Bush and Obama. that they have a different party name but they all work for wall street and the establishment instead of the american people and none of that will ever change till we get a third party president in office.no matter how many times you try and tell this to them,they develop deaf ears.
Uh dude hate to break this news to you but its all a put on show just like pro wrestling.They pretend they hate each other when in REAL life,they are in bed together. The tea party was penetrated,wake the hell up already. Let me guess,you dont believe Clinton and the Bushs have been long time pals either do you? Good cop...bad cop.. That's all it is so they can "come together' in the end to beat those dastardly liberals. It's transparent as all Hell. amazing how some people dont get that isnt it?
The very fact that you would consider President Obama a centrist speaks volumes about your own political-philosophy inclinations... Whether the philosophical divide among the Republicans is greater than the philosophical divide among the Democrats, and how this might play out during the 2014 midterms and the 2016 general election season, are points that may certainly be discussed (and even debated) among serious people. But I will continue to make note of mere gloating whenever it appears evident to me...