Most of you are aware by now that that the Congresswitch from CA told the Tea Party to go to Hell. This brought to mind a scene from The Gauntlet where a biker (*)(*)(*)(*)(*) prevails on Ben Shockley (Clint Eastwood) not to "hit a lady". His answer, IIRC, was a right cross. Now this is not to advocate violence against this or any other public serpent; but please, can we stop pretending such glittering paragons of gangrenous malevolence deserve any more respect than they give their betters? Pretty please?
When has it become ok for basically "COMMUNISTS" ie Democratic Socialist of which she is listed as a member to tell the people who want the "Constitution" ie the law of the land, to go to hell. The communists in the USA are telling the people who want the law of the land up held to go to hell? NO, you filthy communist bastards go to hell, and all your sick flash mobs! Who we can't address because its not PC M. Waters you go to hell you communist (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)!