Britain has always been ruthless to achieve its goals, and never cared how many died, but not only to foreigners, but also towards it's own citizens - as can be ascertained with the men sent to die in WWI, without any gain. Of course that doesn't say much for the French Generals either.. I read that when parachutes were first invented, London wouldn't give them to pilots for fear they would jump unnecessarily and lose their planes. It's this ruthlessness, that makes the MI6 so successful in its endeavors. (I still think they killed Princess Diana). What the following video also shows, is that the crimes and indifference to human rights that were part of the Soviet Union, has moved westwards and is now part of our new globalist and one world order. In this episode, Mikhail Poltoranin, former Head of the Government Committee on the Declassification of KGB Archives, talks about the way that the US airforce bombed Soviet bases in 1950 – in reaction to Stalin’s power. But they didn't stop until their mission was complete - that is the death of Stalin. It's even possible that others within the Soviet system were asked to take responsibility for his death - given the many theorists who took on that claim, as explained by Poltoranin.
Eh so KGB files get " declassified" and we all know you can't even fart in the KGB now GRB without Putin approving it. KGB files declassified could state that Santa Claus is real and his mistress is the Tooth Fairy and I would probably give it as much weight as the OPs assertion that Churchill killed Stalin If Russians spy networks want anyone to believe that OPs assertion outside of Russia then they need to infiltrate MI6 and leak the proof from within Britain. Get real.
Yes March 5, 1953 was a great day for mankind... I was very young but I remember that my dad who listened to RFE, RLiberty, and BBC told my mom and I that "Stalin zdoxh" . If Ukrainian there is a seoarate word for an animal , a thing, or an insect dying and that word is "zdoxh". "Sukkin Sin Zdoxh" - translate to "the son of a bitch died...".
Give me a good 'logical' explanation as to why the Russians would lie? As for the British, well they created and pay Bellingcat and then quote him for propaganda. They created and pay the Syrian Observatory, and then quote him for propaganda. They created and pay the White Helmets which is part of Al Nusra, and then not only present the head choppers as humanitarians, but wanted to give them the Noble Peace Prize until the photo popped up with them beheading a sick 12 year old.
It wasn't revealed that Stalin was poisoned by a foreign entity, because it would have been an embarrassment to the Soviet Union. That to me is perfectly logical. Now give me a logical reason why the Russians would want to lie about it today?
Not really! He did turn the Soviet Union from an agrarian nation into an industrial one capable of defeating Nazi Germany. Would you have preferred for Nazi Germany not to have been defeated? As Vladimir Putin said, one has to look at Stalin during the era he lived. About 100,000 died under him, and it's because they were considered an internal threat at a time the country was at war. Everything else is an exaggeration. As for the starvation in Ukraine, Khruschev was in charge then, and it was a distribution problem since food was also needed in parts of Russia. From what I gather, there were climate anomalies that was causing food shortages. In Germany, it was the failure of the farms that led to the rise of Hitler. It might also have been the cause of the great depression. While in the US, states like Oklahoma and Texas were having severe dust storms, so people were moving en masse to California. Anyway I despise the arrogance of ideologues, whether it be those who created the 'internationalist' Soviet Union, or the ones in Washington who are trying to form their own 'internationalist' world order. But when the system already exists, then the leaders must be looked at within that context.
The Soviets had to bear most of the fighting against the Nazis. That was good. I still have to give Stalin a failing grade on human rights.
Because it gains them nothing. Since I now answered you, how about answering me and telling me why they would lie and say Stalin was poisoned?
Ok I will check it out. If the Brit's got Stalin they waited way too long. He had already murdered millions by then.
The Warren Commission (not the FBI) said there were no facts that indicated Oswald colluded with anybody else. However this does not leave out involvement either by the Russians or by the Mafia. It just means the WC could not prove it.