King's speech: UK government to focus on crime, economy – and rolling back climate measures

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by Grey Matter, Nov 7, 2023.

  1. Grey Matter

    Grey Matter Well-Known Member Donor

    Feb 15, 2020
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    Or, are Kellyanne Conway alternate facts, the actual facts?

    King Charles Forced to Deliver Speech He Hates

    The politics of global warming, finally, a qualifying current event.

    Somehow I doubt that this will be the issue that Marge postulates may push Charles to abdicate his throne. Annual North Sea Oil & Gas leases, oh my, the horror!

    Net Zero 2050, I'll turn 86 that year should I live so long. Battery tech will have to advance similar to memory storage capacity it seems to me before we have any hope of success weaning the world off oil & gas. It would be awesome to store a terawatt hour in something the size of a USB drive. This is the sci-fi kinda stuff that has to happen for planes to fly without jet fuel.

    Poor Charles, I am sure all my Commonwealth Green friends here at PF and around the world are bristling in their britches at this indignity forced upon him.

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