PROF. MES SOLZHENITSY (BLESS THE HOLLY MISSION FROM ALEXANDER S. TO M. E. SURAT) TURNED INTO AN INTERNATIONAL FIGURE AND NOW TALKS TO THE WORLDS INTELLECTUALS American Liberty Radio-EU Forums-Global Security prof. mes solzhennitsy (see in google) Messrs; KOC HOLDING-the owner of the TURKISH SOVIET, attempted to trick or to deceive UEFA! The sons of R. KOC looked like a good entrepreneur, but it turned out that their whole life was a put-up job as ALI KOCS! In Turkey F.GULENS JACKALS couldnt touch KOC Family but UEFA did it! Fenerbahçe Asbaşkanı Ali Koç Haberleri - TUMGAZETELER.COM - ÖnbellekBenzer Fenerbahçe Asbaşkanı Ali Koç hakkında basından ve ajanslardan derlenen haberler. Dünyanın en zengin Türkçe haber arşivi.Ali Yıldırım Koç - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [ Bu sayfanın çevisini yap ]ıldırım_Koç - ÖnbellekBenzerYıldırım Ali Koç (born on April 2, 1967 in İstanbul) is the youngest son of Rahmi ... board member of Türkiye Süper Ligi football club giant Fenerbahçe SK. ...Ali Koç, Fenerbahçe Başkanı mı olacak?,-fenerbahce-baskani-mi- ...10 Ağu 2011 Fenerbahçe yönetim kurulu, Futbol Federasyonu'nun kulüp hakkında vereceği kararın ardından istifa edecek.ALİ KOÇ FENERBAHÇE ile ilgili haberler The OFFICAL DOCUMENTS and PROOFS ARE AVAILABLE! Magnify and read it please! The new steward of the TURKISH SOVIET-the TURKEY VULTURE, FETHULLAH GULENS Jackal prosecutors did nothing to arrest RAHMI KOCs son. But UEFA as an organ of EUROPEN Civilisation straightens out of the files chest, for example, or copy something, or read some important records showing the guiltiness of the swindler administrative board of FENERBAHCE of which Vice Chairman-ALI KOC at large while his culprit AZIZ YILDIRIM is in jail. We all Pro-Liberal Turkish and Kurdish Muslims have to arrange matters to inform the honest entrepreneurs of the GLOBAL LIBERAL WORLD led by the USA and its allies so that they should recognize-maybe-the most dangerous KEMALIST/Stalinist Turkish businessman RAHMI KOC and his crime machine KOC HOLDING which had planned before the RED GENERALS of the ERGENEKON GANG to murder hundreds and hundreds Judeo-Christian Children after having put the KAFES Terror plan in scene. In this way no sooner have FETHULLAH GULENS Jackal prosecutors appeared in the door of fake courts than we must tell you everything, open the crime files chest at once as UEFA did in the case of football tricks of ALI KOCS FENERBAHCE, the pseudo Judiciary System of FETHULLAH GULEN put the little Red generals in Jail yet left the biggest vagabonds like the ex-Chairman of the Turkish General Staff-Y. BUYUKANIT untouched! If we feel particularly strong to do away with the Worlds one and only Terror Holding i.e. KOC HOLDING let all honest Businessmen of the Liberal Economy be very well informed about the put-up job of ALI KOC. Seemingly KOC Holding can crawl under the table, curse the USA and its allies over its secret Anti-American NGO directed by GULSEVEN YASER who lives in America, wink at Turkish Al Qaeda terrorists from the distance, Yours/SOLZHI-THE SPOKESMAN OF PRO EUROPEAN CIVILISATON TURKISH AND KURDISH MUSLIMS