And if she'd had two abortions and was a sex worker Democrats would be more likely to vote for her. You guys are funny.
Oh, it's just FANTASTIC that unmarried minors are becoming parents!!!! YAY!!!! What a great thing for society!
Because I read. Do you ever read? Close-in-age exemption. Colorado law allows for 15- and 16-year olds to lawfully engage in sexual behavior with partners who are less than ten years older, and minors younger than 15 to engage in sexual acts with those less than four years older.
Oh I read quite a bit. I can also do math, which means that she could have been 12 when she got pregnant, thanks to a law passed by Democrats allowing it.
Oh. Would you like me to break down the math for you how he could have been 15 at the time she was 12 when she got pregnant? I mean it's not really that hard but I'd be glad to help.
The answer can be that simple, and it also can't be. We literally send them to war(or at least train them), we let them drive a car. Are they then an 'adult-minor'? Like, to me I've never seen what makes 18 or 17 or 16, a special cut off age. The only real reason the states/countries have selected an age, is that's the decision they've come to, rather than an actual, logical reasoning for it. I'm not against it, I just think that we as humans have yet to come up with something that makes sense.
Well I wouldn't expect anything less of a reformed prostitute like Boebert. I guess this limits the opportunities for higher education for a son, as well. But that never the idea anyway, was it?
Ah. So.. that isn't what was said. That is what the left wing SAID she stated in order to try to score point with partisan cannon fodder? Why can't discussions be honest?
So let's recap the lefts attempted smear in this thread. A Republicans teenage son got a girl pregnant, and per the law in West Virgina, allowing marriage at 16 or 17 allows this young man to take responsibility and marry the girl and raise the kid. In the left wing eye, this is somehow a travesty and showcases a downfall of conservatives. Let's compare and contrast to their agenda. Some guy in the ghetto gets his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant. The left would prefer to abort the baby or prevent then from getting married with the state mandating child support and the baby being raised by the mother without the father around. Priorities of the left are so backwards.
Teenagers do not have fully developed brains and bodies. Some have had full development of their brains at 18. To be sure however, you need to wait till 21. Unless one knows what to look for and has experience one might not realize what seems like a perfectly mature adult is very much a child. There are a ton of googleable resources. But to put a long story short, there is a reason why a very pro-death-penalty supreme court has decided not to put people to death who have been convicted of crimes when they were less than 18. And it's not because they feel soft about young people. It is more dangerous for girls to have children as teenagers than to have children as women in their 20s.
Your claim is that since late stage teenagers have consensual sex that adult sex shows should be aimed at little children? Weird!
The actual goal of sane people is that the 16-year-old doesn't get his girlfriend pregnant because at least one of them have been taught about birth control and alternative sexual behavior. No pregnancy - no problems. Getting children married before 18 is effectively forced sex bordering on pedophilia. And West Virginia is far away from Colorado.
I've never seen a book rape someone, impregnate someone, or kill someone. However, they seem to be excellent at frightening and hurting the feelings of snowflakes.