Law and math language

Discussion in 'Law & Justice' started by HuynhPhuDat, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. HuynhPhuDat

    HuynhPhuDat New Member

    Jan 13, 2013
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    Can we translate law into math language ?
    Yes . we can .

    Ex : 1 rule = do not kill people .
    If do not = #
    Kill =minus =-
    1 men or women = 50% body + 50% honor
    Do not kill people = # - ( 50% body + 50% honor ) .

    In my opinion , law is a systems of math

    Can we use math to judge a sentence , yes , we can .

    Ex : I know 1 story about Islam court : At 1 Islam country , 1 boss raped a maid , and the maid fight the boss , when she fight , she indeliberate kill him . And the Islam court convict the maid , she had to die .
    Is that balance ?

    If we say 1 people have 100 % = 50 % of body + 50 % honor and 50 % of body + 50 % honor of men = 50 % of body + 50 % honor of women . When the boss raped the maid and if you think raped woman will decrease 10% body and 50% honor of the maid , rape is guilty so when the maid killed the boss , she destroy 50 % of body + 50 % honor of the men . Kill people is guilty too but in this situation the boss raped the girl is extenuating circumstances or :
    Kill people is guilty = - ( 50 % of body + 50 % honor )
    the boss raped the girl = + (10% body and 50% honor )
    Here we have a result : + (10% body and 50% honor ) + (- ( 50 % of body + 50 % honor ) )=
    - 40% body . If we want to judge the maid , we at least have to base on this result , but the Islam court allowed to kill the maid ( If I were not wrong ) .

    Kill the maid = - ( 50 % of body + 50 % honor ) of the maid for – 40% body – her sin .


    If you want to know how I talk about Islam law using math and the scale of balance , about power of citizens index , about Kim Jong Il , you can read my topic about political science by Math , Biology , ...

    In this world , 1 men think law is a system of math and he need help . This is a new way to do research .

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