Layoff tracker: Mass layoffs by tech companies big and small hit the Bay Area

Discussion in 'Current Events' started by sec, Feb 9, 2023.

  1. sec

    sec Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2008
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    HYPERLINK has full article


    From Salesforce to Twitter to Meta, and now Zoom, Ebay, Paypal and Splunk, thousands of U.S. workers have lost their jobs in brutal mass layoffs in 2022 and now in 2023............

    Zoom announced it was laying off 1,300 or 15% ................
    Ebay announced it was shaving off 4% of its workforce or 500 workers.....
    Paypal announced a round of layoffs, cutting 2,000 ...
    Google (parent company Alphabet), together with a long list of tech companies executing mass redundancies, announced on January 20th that it will lay off 12,000.......
    Salesforce first announced layoffs of 1,090 workers in November and kicked off 2023 with another layoffs announcement in January of approximately 7,900 staff..........
    San Francisco-based DoorDash announced on Nov. 30 that it is shaving 1,250 jobs

    end snip

    This is just the SF bay area. The article has a chart of firms that have had to kick folks to the curb. What is sad and ironic is in the bay area, they were doing great prior to the silly Covid lockdowns. That was under a non-Democrat administration. The Bay area tends to vote Democrat and now under Democrat administration, they are being kicked to the curb

    I find no joy in that because regardless of their votes based upon feelings, they are now out of work and that is no laughing matter

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