….”If you take a good look around at the corporate media landscape, online and elsewhere, the wheels are coming off all over. The corporate/establishment/leftist media are collapsing, and it is freakin’ glorious. CNN has fallen off a ratings cliff. The Los Angeles Times is losing about $40 million a year, cutting nearly a third of its staff over two recent layoffs. The Washington Post slashed staff and lost nearly $100 million in 2023. BuzzFeed laid off 15 percent of its staff and closed BuzzFeed News entirely. Vice Media filed for bankruptcy in 2023. Sports Illustrated shut down. The Vogue, Vanity Fair, and Condé Nast layoffs are coming. Jezebel closed. Best of all, 2,681 liars lost their jobs in 2023, more than the previous two years combined. Get a load of this… …This is the not-so-slow-motion collapse of an ideology and attitude. At long last, this young, ignorant, smarter-than-thou, know-it-all, effete, smug way of delivering news and lifestyle content has run its course. People are sick of the attitude, sick of being lied to, sick of being told how to live, how to speak, what to believe, and what does and does not make you virtuous. The left’s rotting corpse institutions, including the media, Hollywood, and academia, are all facing an overdue reckoning…” https://www.breitbart.com/the-media...apse-marches-on-vice-buzzfeed-sell-off-parts/ This is indeed good news. The left wing media is collapsing before our eyes. The sheer condescending arrogance of the lot of them is now facing total destruction. It couldn’t be happening to a more deserving group of people.
It looks like the media attracting the attention of the moderates and leftists has diversified to many mediums and many are having to restructure. Not necessarily a bad thing. The only “news” network that remains unscathed (and the largest of the MSM) caters to an extreme branch that has abandoned logic and truth in exchange for outrage and propaganda.
That sounds like NBC both cable and over air versions. No logic or truth and total sell outs to the propagandists of the deep state.
I mean — everything I said is easily looked up Here is your network even bragging about it Fox News Channel crushes CNN, MSNBC in 2023, finishes as most-watched cable network for 8th straight year https://www.foxnews.com/media/fox-n...t-watched-cable-network-8th-straight-year.amp
Fox is successful because it is more fair and balanced than the other. IMO, news organizations will have to focus less on fairness and more on balance to recover their influence. Partisans should never be expected to be "fair". Organizations that present all sides with some semblance of balance can attract far more attention than those who favor one side.
So the organization that successfully argued IN COURT that their hosts at the time couldn’t be held responsible for their words because only an idiot would believe them is “fair” The one that just lost almost a billion for outright lying? And is about to lose another billion? I would ask if you were joking, but I know you really believe this.
In alternate maga fantasy land that might be true but in reality it’s false. Thanks for your input though.
How many times do I have to point out: FOX = MSM = FAKE NEWS The public chooses Fox because it is less "Fake" than its competition. "I think this is big trouble for democracy, especially the hostile level of discourse in social media. And that it's something the media need to address collectively after the election. But here's one of several fascinating smaller findings of the study that are kind of stunning -- even if they seem obvious and ho-hum to some of my more jaded, postmodern, aren't-we-cleverly-ironic colleagues: ON MSNBC, the ratio of negative to positive stories on GOP candidate Mitt Romney was 71 to 3. That's not a news channel. That's a propaganda machine, and owner Comcast should probably change Phil Griffin's title from president to high minister of information, or something equally befitting the work of a party propaganist hack in a totalitarian regime. You wonder how mainstream news organizations allow their reporters and correspondents to appear in such a cauldron of bias." BALTIMORE SUN, PEW, "MSNBC really is more partisan than Fox, according to Pew study, By David Zurawik, 11/2/2002. (emphasis mine) https://www.baltimoresun.com/entert...is-more-partisan-than-fox-20121102-story.html
NBC = MSM = FAKE NEWS Retractions are the best part of NBC News. "WASHINGTON — When federal police officers violently cleared protesters from the city's Lafayette Square in June 2020, they did it so a contractor could install fencing — not to let President Donald Trump hold a photo opportunity at a nearby church, an investigation by the Interior Department's inspector general has found. That finding, published Wednesday, is likely to surprise many critics of Trump, who have long asserted that the president or his attorney general ordered the operation to pave the way for an act of political theater. That is also the central allegation of a federal lawsuit by Black Lives Matter against the Justice Department." NBC NEWS, Trump photo op was not reason police cleared protesters from Lafayette Square, new report says, Ken Dilanian, June 9, 2021. https://news.yahoo.com/trump-photo-op-not-reason-173203225.html
Get Woke Go Broke! OUCH: Over 500 journalists were laid off in January 2024 alone. Maybe they can learn to code, or shovel coal.
Why People Hate The Media. “With layoffs left and left across America’s newsrooms, there’s lots of hand-wringing over the state of newspapers and ‘journalism’ these days. Notably absent from these laments are any mention of leftism, wokeness, or the naked contempt today’s MSM journalists display again and again for ordinary Americans." And we heartily return that contempt.
Dude - print media has been dying a slow death since social media was created. Has nothing to do with "woke". I stopped buying print media a decade ago.
Sports Illustrated failed to get the May edition published. Sports Illustrated Goes Bankrupt Trying To Provide Enough Catering For Cover Model Shoot https://buff.ly/3WMIfbs 'U.S. — Sports Illustrated has declared bankruptcy after trying to provide enough catering for their latest plus-size model photo shoot. Sources say the company ran out of money halfway through the shoot and was forced to file for Chapter 11 as the models were demanding more food.' "We spent millions on food for these body-positive models, but we still ran out of food 15 minutes in," said SI photographer Fitz Bitzley. "In addition to professional catering companies, we also ordered from Chick-Fil-A, Pizza Hut, Steak Escape, Subway, Wing Stop, Popeye's, Burger King, and 378 other restaurants. They just kept demanding more and more. Now, they're shrieking and running after us like they're going to eat us. I'm terrified." 'Bitzley's statement was cut short after one of the models swallowed him whole along with all his camera equipment.' Weird that this isn't selling.