Leftists are enemies of women

Discussion in 'United States' started by PopeADope, May 12, 2016.

  1. PopeADope

    PopeADope New Member

    May 12, 2016
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    Donald Trump is the good Shepherd. The leftists are enemies of women's equality:


    Since He attacks the greatest enemy of women and equal rights, that makes him one of the best friends of women and equal rights. Muslim Men make up 2% of the Swedish Population. They make up 70% of of the rapes against Swedish Women. It is even a higher percentage in Norway.

    Women are dying their hair black and dressing more like Arabs for fear that it will decrease the likelihood of them getting raped.

    Leftists there refuse to speak the truth for Islam and fine people and put them in jail for things as small as saying the truth about Muhammad being a pedophile. Not to mention, He was a bloodthirsty terrorist and Dictator.

    Islam has ruined the lives of hundreds of millions of women by taking away their rights and treating them like they're not even human. If you vote for politicians who are unwilling to speak the truth about or defend Islam, then you are an enemy of women.

    For all European women who voted for these leftist who got raped by muslims, I feel as sorry for them as I'd feel sorry for a woman who invited registered sex-offenders to live with her or brought many vipers into her house, then was so shocked when she got bit. That's what vipers do, genius!

    Take a stand against Islamic Tyranny, misogyny, Pedohpilia, and bigotry.

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