Lenin's birthday.

Discussion in 'Russia & Eastern Europe' started by General Winter, Apr 22, 2012.

  1. General Winter

    General Winter Active Member

    May 23, 2009
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    Today is Lenin's birthday.


    "The slave who is aware of his slavish condition and fights it is a revolutionary. The slave who is not aware of his slavish condition and vegetates in silent, unenlightened, and wordless slavery, is just a slave. The slave who drools when smugly describing the delights of slavish existence and who goes into ecstasies over his good and kind master is a grovelling boor. And you, gentlemen ..., are just such boors.... You are mean-spirited boors, and your education, culture, and enlightenment are only a species of thoroughgoing prostitution. For you are selling your souls, and you are selling them not through need, but for “love of the thing”. ( 1907).

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