I am so sorry you are not able to play the youtube videos. They are simply a wonderful tool. I believe the video can easily head you to the right place for more education.
I plan to keep posting since it is my topic. But you and I, I think you said all you need to say. There are other topics when i wish to get insulted or taunted.
Nope they are for the hard of thinking And have generally less truth and fact than a used car salesman on commission in an economic depression
This is the ploy used to try to get me to spend hours upon hours locating stuff for posters. I do not fall for it.
No ploy;it's a valid request. If there's evidence (in writing) why would it take you hours to find it?
OK, do you know how to use google and get google to give you data you seek? This way it won't take me so much as one minute.
As I have said in the past you use google scholar. Type in google scholar into google it will come up. Then EVERTHING that comes up will be either a paper, or a book
She told you a way to locate what you need. Not much more to add. Good hunting in trying to learn about windmill noise problems. You will also learn much more about bird kills too. I think you can see videos of windmills killing birds and you see them fall to the ground.
To ambulance-chasing lawyers, sure. Nobody who gets a paycheck from the windmills ever gets sick. It's only the neighbors. Call it what it is, "jealous neighbor looking for a buck syndrome". In China, with far more wind turbines far closer to people, there's no mention of such sickness at all. It's purely an American invention, a product of political hysteria and crooked lawyers. Say what? That's nonsense. That's awful logic. I don't have to own a rocket to prove a rocket works. I just have to point to rockets that work.
Robert, my Friend, I see your many comments, but not theirs! Oh the joy, the joy of Ignore List. It's like turning off the television whenever a Leftist head pops up on it. Life is too short to endure their dishonesty and condescension.
Koonan just recycles debunked garbage points. This blogger tears it apart point-by-point. http://rabett.blogspot.com/2017/04/the-squeegee-kid-returns-or-steve.html Now, if you think any of his points are good, then bring up those specific points for us, and we can discuss them. Nobody is going to waste time on a video that you couldn't be bothered to summarize.
Tell you what. When all of you hypocrites stop using "alarmist", I'll stop using "denier". But you won't. Calling names and then complaining about namecalling is one of your side's staple tactics, as it allows you to avoid talking about actual issues. No, that's not the case. It's far more complicated than that. CO2 does not cause increased crop growth or tree growth, but it really helps weeds and vines and insects, which hurt crop and tree growth. The warming often brings more drought. Worst case, it kills the crops outright, as extremely hot days will do that. Really? You keep asking how _you_ are going to be affected. You don't seem concerned about anyone else. Except when they haven't. There have been other eras of declining temperatures since, which kills your "we're recovering from the LIA" fantasy dead. Reality says any recovery from the LIA ended a century ago. That would be why the world was cooling until 1970. I swear that a slow second-grader has more common sense than most deniers. The next ice age would have been in 25,000 years or more. You're saying we need to roast the planet _now_ to prevent that. That's like declaring I need to run my furnace full blast all the time starting in June, beause I know winter is coming. It's an insanely stupid policy, yet almost every denier thinks it's a brilliant idea. Someone who does possess a modicum of common sense would point out that since the ice age is 25,000 years away, we should not be worrying about it right now. We should be worrying about right now right now. Nobody on the rational side wants a new ice age. If someone makes that claim, they are not acting in a rational manner, and it's hard to take them seriously on any topic. But there are no such misses. You're pushing a denier urban legend there. The models have been excellent. Real scientists know that. People familiar with the science know it. Because we're familiar with the actual science, we know you're peddling a fraud, so you can't snow us with it. And yet the models are running a bit on the cool side now. Say, maybe you should post Christy's fudged graph about the models. Most deniers usually try that stunt eventually. Your logic seems to be that we should cause mass starvation and death now, to prevent imaginary mass starvation and death in 25,000 years that wouldn't actually happen. Your bad logic isn't harmless, being it leads to rather genocidal outcomes.
You're delusional. You repeatedly stated that the NEXT ice-age is in 25,000 years, when we are currently IN an ice-age and have been for 2.58 million years. Are you lost on the distinction between; inter-glacial and warm earth conditions? No one is even predicting the end of the current ice age, yet you are confidently predicting, in a scream, that this ice age is going to end, we are finally going to return to warm earth conditions, and return to an ice-age, all in 25,000 measly years? And ask yourself, in anyone really thinks this inter-glacial is going to be followed by finally returning to warm earth conditions, why is this period still called an inter-glacial?
WHEN THE SCIENTISTS SUCCESSFULLY PERSUADE THEM: Ilya Somin: When should voters march to the beat of scientists? Note: Condescension isn’t persuasion.
Some people lack the brains and balls for debate, the answer to their "problem/s" is putting others on their Ignore List..
I didn't attack you personally. I attacked the nonsense you call a post. I have nothing against you. But when a post like this comes up I tend to think you are trying to lie to me.
Lie: "The Benghazi attack was caused by a movie." - Susan Rice, one of Obama's chief security advisors Lie: "The Benghazi attack was caused by a movie." - Hillary Liar Clinton Lie: "I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky." - Bill "loathing the military" Clinton Lie: "Hillary is the most qualified candidate." Lie: "Hillary is the best candidate for women's rights." (When she defended Thomas Tayler, who raped a 12-year-old, and laughed as she bragged about getting him off with only 10 months in jail? The louse should have been beaten and then hung.) Lie: "Republicans are racist." Lie: "Republicans are fascists." Lie: Virtually anything a liberal says.
You just did it again. You are personalizing this. Telling me you have nothing personal then calling me a liar is very personal
You just did it again. You are personalizing this. Telling me you have nothing personal then calling me a liar is very personal