Reforestation is the solution. Regreening is the solution. Building materials with Earth/Nature neutral thermal properties is the solution. And maybe artificial photosynthesis that makes electricity too. But, first y'gotta believe there is a problem outside of "normal" I do not.
After world population dropped due to plague and European diseases in the new world, vast areas of farmland went back to forest and jungle. That pulled about 7ppm of CO2 out of the atmosphere, and was one factor that contributed to the little ice age. That is, global reforestation on a massive scale represented 3 years worth of current CO2 emissions. On their own, trees simply can't pull enough CO2 out of the air to matter much. They are, of course, one of the many little solutions that can be combined into the big solution. Oh, your graph is crazy wrong, basically fictional. It's currently much warmer than it was during the medieval warm period, which was only a local warmup in northern Europe. We have plentiful evidence that flatly contradicts the mythical "It's all natural!" theory. And Cliff Harris and Randy Mann are just crazy guys on the internet who gave themselves titles.
I have 3 graphs that basically agree. Please, share one graph that does not agree. No not CO2. Temperature. Because it is about the Fire Bell of Global Warming, si? And please do remember to share any contradictory graphs of temperature over centuries if not tens or hundreds of thousand years. I have not witnessed one and would like to do so. Truly, I like history and the way warmer and colder times effected history. Such as The Medieval Climate Optimum and Vikings breaking out of the Baltic Sea. The graph above these two is fun looking at those aspects. For me anyways. With history happening along those times of change and warm ups. Moi r > g Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
Well, 2 of them agree, but they're just sort of hand-drawn fictional sketches. Amusingly, the Harris graph only goes back to 2500 BC, because ... the authors didn't want to go back beyond Noah's Flood. You see, they're young earth creationists. Your third graph is on a totally different scale, without enough resolution to show rates of warming, and it lacks the last century of data, so it's of no use when referring to current temperatures and rates of change. Here's a better graph. It leaves off the most recent data, which is up at +1.0C. That's way above any recent variations, and above the Holocene Climatic Optimum. Natural Cycles had been having the earth cool for the past 6k - 8k years, and the earth should have continued cooling, but we humans overwhelmed the natural cycles and turned a slow cooling into a fast warming.
Thank you Will study. What was its' source. Some minutes later after study.I studied your chart and did a Google search "Holocene Temperature Chart". Some are like yours and some are like mine. Like whose Science y'gonna believe. I did come across this one regarding Greenland Ice Core analysis. Enjoy or not. Best Wishes Moi r > g Defensively, Secure The Alaska Corridor. We built the highway anyways. Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.
So many people are scared to death about this topic...scared to evaluate their own lives...scared to do better regarding the these people just stick their heads in the sand. Then there are the people who are in 100% denial, refuse the science, refuse to acknowledge the potential, politicize and name call...and this is just righteousness and arrogance. Why do we have laws about littering? Do the righteous and arrogant ones hate the laws about littering? Why do we care about the quality of our potable water supplies? Do the righteous and arrogant ones hate the laws about protecting our water sources? Why SHOULD we care about the quality of the air we breathe, or the toxic pollutants we add to our atmosphere? Because not only does it negatively effect the quality of our lives it also has the POTENTIAL to change things on Earth in a way in which mankind has never seen...
Try posting the source of your graphs otherwise it is a real pain to chase them down only to find they are someone's kids kindy drawings
Yeah, you claim the feedback mechanisms are positive, when the evidence keeps showing that they are negative (dampening). The mechanisms of stasis in earth systems are so prevalent, that its odd that the climate alarmist keep missing them. Take the "the co2 starts releasing all that Siberian Methane and we is going to be in Biiiig trouble!!" I'm not hanging this on you of course, such hyperbole is common among the alarmists. But what do the facts show? First, I do not fear methane and I certainly do not fear rising CO2 levels, I welcome it. I would be thrilled if we left our current ice age conditions and returned to warm earth conditions, but I'm convince I will have to settle for the inter-glacial continuing and be grateful if we avoid a glacial advance, now THAT would be well worth becoming alarmed over. Cold does kill. There are methane seeps in the Arctic, but the feedback loops create a dampening (negative, not positive effect) by causing many times as much CO2 to be absorbed in the water than the methane released a new study has found. A group of U.S., German and Norwegian scientists measured methane and carbon dioxide concentrations off Svalbard’s coast. They found 2,000 times more carbon dioxide was taken out of the atmosphere than methane escaping from underwater vents. Remember, CO2 is how earth stores life during the cooling cycles between Warm Earth conditions. In the presence of sufficient warmth, water CO2 levels rise, and the natural process of DNA convert that CO2 into living organisms. Methane escaping seeps at depths of 260 to 295 feet resulted in marine phytoplankton increasing their uptake of carbon dioxide, as that is how life grows, DNA converts CO2 into living cells. The physical mechanisms that transport methane to the surface also transport nutrient-enriched water that supports enhanced growth of plankton and they rapidly converted CO2 into living cells. The sea life that thrives on plankton will be thrilled! As will those that consume sea life, like us! The circle of life is a wondrous thing!
Hail Gaia The Gaia hypothesis (/ˈɡaɪ.ə, ˈɡeɪ.ə/, GY-uh, GAY-uh), also known as the Gaia theory or the Gaia principle, proposes that organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet. Topics of interest include how the biosphere and the evolution of life forms affect the stability of global temperature, ocean salinity, oxygen in the atmosphere, the maintenance of a hydrosphere of liquid water and other environmental variables that affect the habitability of Earth. Earth as a self regulating biome. Where life itself keeps it nice. Moi r > g Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians, cool and unsympathetic, regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.