WASHINGTON – In this deeply partisan political climate, it may come as a surprise to many that a group of Senate Democrats and Republicans come together each week to pray. "It is literally the most liberal Democrats and the most conservative Republicans," Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) tells CBN News. "It's not just the centrist group." Best Hour of the Week Coons, who co-chairs the group with Republican Sen. James Lankford, describes it as the best hour of his week. "We do two things we don't otherwise do, we listen to each other and we trust each other," continued Coons. The only non-senator present is Senate Chaplain Barry Black. http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2018...group-holding-hands-in-prayer-each-week-in-dc This is indeed a positive and uplifting news story. It goes into details of relationships being built and friendships developed. God is the one power that can bring political opponents together.
It would be neat if this small bridge building group could expand and help make some bipartisan compromises possible.