Life is perfectly fair but your personal Karma can be a real (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)!

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by bwinwright, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. bwinwright

    bwinwright New Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    Life is perfectly fair but your personal Karma can be a real (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)!

    Spiritual folks have often referred to Life as being a synonym for God. Quantum physicists like Dr. John Hagelin refer to God as being the Unified Field of Pure Consciousness or the Omnipresent Consciousness of which everything consists. Whatever you choose to label it, the simple fact is that it is real and it is here. You and I are made of it, totally and entirely, as is everything else. There is nothing that it isn’t.

    This omnipresent consciousness, of which everything is made, has imbedded within it the key operating principle we call the Law of Attraction. This Law is the most fundamental teaching in every great religion and philosophy. The age old teaching that “according to our faith” be it unto us…or “as a man thinketh, so is he”, etc. forms the very cornerstone of every great religion and philosophy.

    Each of us is totally responsible for our own experience which we all create based entirely upon our thoughts and feelings. Like Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “You become what you think about all day.” This is the most fundamental Law of all.

    Karma is simply the Law of Compensation, the idea that we reap what we sow, or our thoughts and feelings create, fashion, and mold our destiny. This Law works equally for positive as well as negative thoughts and feelings. Each of us has the freedom to think and feel whatever we choose to think and feel, positive or negative, loving or unloving.
    Like Henry Ford often said, “Whether you think you can or can’t do a thing, you will be right in either case.”

    Therefore, perhaps the greatest fact in life we can come to understand and believe is the fact that we are all creative beings, made totally and entirely of the most magnificent energy in the universe, and we create our own experience with our thoughts and feelings.
    And, our actual experience is a direct reflection of our habitual thoughts and feelings.
    Remember Emerson who said, “You become what you think about all day.”

    Since our experience, on a personal level, is the direct result or product of our thoughts and feelings, we might wish to begin thinking only loving, positive, and constructive thoughts which produce feelings of happiness, joy, and peace. By doing this, on a regular basis, we must produce experience LIKE our thoughts and feelings. Therefore, day by day, in every way, we will begin experiencing more and more situations, conditions, and events that we enjoy. This is the most fundamental teaching of the greatest spiritual teachers throughout world history.

    Today, in our world, the wealthiest and most powerful people have failed to remember that we are all divine beings made of exactly the same sublime omnipresence and that everything is connected or one. The ruling elites have made the error of believing in the false concept of separation. Separation is impossible because everything is actually connected or one. We live within a vast sea of pure conscious energy. All of it, together, is what many call God. Infinite intelligence, the Ineffable Oneness, the Supreme Being, and many other names have been used to describe this incredible Unified Field of Pure Consciousness.

    The ruling elites’ erroneous or false belief in separation leads to other erroneous or false beliefs. This false belief in separation leads to the false belief in the idea of superiority. The false belief in superiority, the false idea that one person is better than another, leads to the idea that it is OK for the superior people to mistreat or even destroy those believed to be inferior. It is impossible for one person to be superior to another person because all people are made totally and entirely out of the SAME pure consciousness or oneness!

    One part of the oneness cannot be superior to another part of the oneness. It’s all the same oneness. We are all equal parts of the whole, containing the characteristics and attributes of the whole within our tiniest superstring, of which each of us have quadrillions and quadrillions, squared. Let’s just say we each have an infinite number of superstrings. Therefore, in essence, we are all equal. It’s the only way it can be.

    This false belief in separation helps the elites justify the murders they commit in the illegal wars they start with lies and deception for the purpose of stealing the resources the inferior people possess. The elites justify their theft and murder with the false belief that they can make better use of these resources than can the inferior people. Therefore, the wealthy elites erroneously reason that they deserve to have these resources even if it means murdering others to get them.

    This false belief in separation also leads to the erroneous belief in lack and limitation.
    The elites fail to understand that because everything is connected, because everything is one, and that all things are already contained within the oneness, all things actually belong to all of us. We already have it all. Therefore, lack and limitation are both false and impossible concepts.

    A perfect example of this is the fact that about 100 years ago Nikola Tesla discovered how to tap into the earth’s electrical energy field and supply every human being on earth with all of the free electrical energy they can possibly use. Yet, his financial backer at that time, J.P. Morgan, shut Tesla down and tried to destroy him for such an idea.

    J.P. Morgan and the Rockefellers, both agents of the Rothschilds, suppressed this amazing energy idea because they wanted to maintain their control over the lucrative energy industry. By totally controlling the treasonous mainstream media, these ruling elites have managed to suppress this idea for the past 100 years, all due to their false and unloving beliefs in separation, superiority, lack, and limitation.

    The ruling elites have also failed to understand that because we are each made totally and entirely of this pure consciousness, the most incredibly sophisticated form of energy in the universe, this energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This means that we cannot die. When our physical body wears out and is thought of as dead, our energy simply takes another form. When our energy body is occupying a physical body, we are like a caterpillar. When our physical body dies, our energy body is released into another dimension, just like the caterpillar sheds its physical body and transforms into a butterfly.

    Our energy body or our soul lives forever. It cannot die. It appears that we are all here on earth in human form to learn some lessons. Perhaps the most valuable lessons we are all here to learn is that not only are we all divine creative beings but that the highest wisdom and power of all is pure love. Therefore, choosing to think loving thoughts and feel loving feelings is the wisest way to be in order to enjoy the most joyful, prosperous and satisfying form of life.

    Many believe that each of us has been here on Earth, in various incarnations, as both men and women, as various races, living in various parts of the earth, all to learn that we are divine and that love is the only intelligent choice. When you see people who are severely afflicted or living in some horribly undesirable situation or suffering through some terrible conditions or horrible tragedies, you can be sure these folks are simply encountering the Karma they have personally created. It is all perfect.

    Life is perfectly fair. We all get precisely what we deserve; exactly what we need in order to learn the lessons we still need to learn. We all create these situations, conditions, and events at higher levels of our own consciousness for learning or training purposes. It’s all perfectly fair. We do it all to ourselves!

    However, sometimes our Karma can be a real (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)! For example, right now I would not want to be George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, or Barak Obama. Neither would I wish to be a Henry Kissinger, a David Rockefeller, a Rothschild, or the Black Pope. There are literally hundreds of people in this criminal organization called the Empire of the City States who have been committing crimes of Biblical Proportions, each of whom will have some mighty undesirable Karma to meet up with either in this lifetime or the next, maybe even the next few lifetimes.

    There will be some ugly, ugly, ugly Karma to deal with. Folks like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Benjamin Netanyahu may possibly be brothers in a family of mutant dwarfs with hair lips, club feet, and golf ball sized tumors on their heads, bad zits, and no teeth. I am talking about some ugly, ugly Karma here.

    The Empire of the City States is the criminal organization that has been running the world for close to 200 years now. The Empire consists of three city states which are all sovereign nations and exempt from any law. These three city states are Vatican City, The “inner city” of London, and Washington D.C. Each of these small nation states is approximately one square mile in size. They even have their own flag. Together, they rule the world.

    At the very top of this Empire is a man named Adolfo Nicolas who is the current Superior General of the Society of Jesus, the top Jesuit. He is also known as “The Black Pope”, not because he is a black man but because he wears black vestments or robes. He is the man who hears the confessions of the White Pope. The Black Pope also controls the Vatican Treasury or Worldwide wealth of the Roman Catholic Church which dwarfs the wealth of any other person or organization in the world.

    The Jesuits were formed in 1540 to serve as the military arm of the Roman Catholic Church. In 1823, the Black Pope at that time made the Rothschild Banking Family the Vatican’s investment banker. The Rothschilds have been called the Keepers of the Vatican Treasury ever since. Together, the Vatican and the Rothschilds have gained control over the vast majority of the world’s natural resources and corporate power.

    The United States of America is a corporation, not a sovereign nation, totally controlled by the U.S. Government in Washington D.C., which is, in turn, totally controlled by the
    Jesuits and the Rothschilds. The Empire created and funded the state of Israel by starting both World War One and World War Two to make it happen. The Empire has used Israel over the past 60 years to control the U.S. Government and U.S. Military and Intelligence operations.

    In the past 100 years, alone, the Empire has been responsible for starting every war on the planet through lies and deception. The Empire has been responsible for the murders of approximately 200,000,000 innocent men, women, and children in their criminal wars over the past 100 years. Since the Empire totally controls the world’s money supply, they have earned trillions in profits from financing these wars and forcing people like you and me to pay for them with our tax dollars. The Empire has grown enormously wealthy and powerful using Debt and Death as their two big money makers.

    The Empire has also gained total control over the Global Medical Establishment, forcing close to 200 countries to use their allopathic form of medicine, the slash, poison, and burn form of medicine that originated in NAZI Germany. While this form of medicine is the least effective form of medicine, it is, by far, the most expensive form of medicine.

    The Empire made the Cannabis Plant illegal because they would have lost trillions in profits otherwise. The Cannabis Plant is the world’s best source for food, fiber, fuel, plastic, paper, and medicine. Any products that can be made from petroleum or timber can also be made from the Cannabis Plant. The key difference is that the products made from cannabis are superior in quality and more environmentally friendly. The Cannabis Plant, however, cannot be patented, and anyone can grow it in their own back yard.

    Cannabis empowers the human immune system more effectively than anything else on earth. A steady diet of cannabis seeds and flowers keeps the immune system strong. When one has a strong immune system, any form of sickness is virtually impossible.
    Cannabis has already been proven to cure cancer, all forms of cancer, and do so more effectively than anything ever found.

    If Cannabis was legal, it would become a multi-trillion dollar industry in a very short time. The products currently supplied by the oil, plastics, pharmaceutical, textile, paper, and many other big industries would be replaced by superior and more environmentally friendly products made from the cannabis plant, the world’s most useful and beneficial plant.

    I mention these forms of unloving behavior which represent only the tip of a gigantic iceberg of criminal activities being perpetrated by this Evil Empire, to make a point. Hopefully, this truth will reach many of the criminals in the Evil Empire and help them accept the reality of the Unified Field of Consciousness, the divinity of all mankind, and help them to begin acting in a more loving fashion in order to create for themselves a more desirable form of Karma.

    The simple truth is, Life is perfectly fair but your personal Karma can be a real (*)(*)(*)(*)(*).

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