that makes it well worth while to go get a car load of gunny sacks full of it, if you can't pay a friend a bit and get his pickup or van, that is. YOu can easily get 1000 lbs in a regular car, in the passenger seat, rear seats and trunk. 1000 lbs is food for one adult for nearly a year. You dont want just one crop, tho, so 1000 lbs of one product is a year's worth of that one grain or legume for a family, for a year. Say that you get soybeans. put them up in 35 gallon plastic drums, with lots of bay leaves and dry ice, having winnowed them first to get rid of the dust. next trip, get corn, along with lime for slaking the corn. if you don't slake the corn, your body can't digest it. Next trip, some wheat, rice, or peanuts.
If you are talking about soybeans a bushel is 60 pounds. Are you talking about stealing them out of the field are from a farms bin? If you are going to take them from the field bring some friends it will take you a hell of a long time to harvest a few bushels by hand of soybeans.